The E’ville Eye Comment Policy

Welcome to The E’ville Eye Community News. We encourage your thoughts and comments and all viewpoints are welcome whether you agree or disagree with us, but please be constructive. We reserve the right to make editorial decisions regarding submitted comments, including but not limited to removal of comments. We are dedicated to maintaining a respectful community that actively engages in lively discussions about our posts.

Please keep the following in mind when writing your comments:

Anonymous Commenting

While using one’s real identity is valuable, we live in a small community and we respect people’s need to comment anonymously and without fear of retaliation or ridicule. The comment form has three fields that allow for Email, Name and Website. None of these are required and if left empty, your comment will appear as “Anonymous”. If you include your email, it will not appear along the comment.


Trolling behavior includes abusive language, personal attacks, threats and commenting just for the sake of getting a reaction. Commenters who engage in trolling behavior will be blocked at the discretion of the moderator.

Respect Others

Please be polite to all the members of our Community, including other commenters, authors and the subjects of articles. Above all, we believe strongly that The E’ville Eye Community should be a safe and welcoming space for all individuals, groups and their ideas. As such, any rudeness, insults, hate, hostility, or negativity may be removed or the commenter blocked.


Posting more than one link or your comment or language containing common spam language will sometimes activate the spam filter. On-topic links are encouraged, comment “signatures” or random links just to promote yourself or your site will be removed.

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