Anonymous Threats Shut Down Emeryville Schools

April 9, 2018
1 min read

A robo-call by the Emery School District was issued last night alerting parents of the closure of all Emeryville schools and recreational facilities today. The reason for the closure was said to be an anonymous ‘threat of violence against the safety of students and staff’ and the closure was being issued as a safety precaution.

Emeryville Police Officers were on site at the ECCL to explain the closure to the few parents that did not receive the alert. Emeryville PD Captain Michael Allen was leading an investigating into the threat.

The sudden closure left parents scrambling for alternative plans for care for their kids or forced to arrange time off from their employers. The nature of the threat was not initially disclosed setting off speculation by parents.

One source noted that the threat was most likely part of bogus hoax being circulated online. Schools in Southern California were also affected by threats with The Daily Bulletin noting a vaguely sourced threat to “blow up a school and shoot students’.

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Local and federal investigators concluded that the threat lacked credibility and may be tied to an online hoax last month that led to the evacuation of hundreds of United Kingdom schools last month. “We are monitoring social media and are seeing schools in Alameda County and others around the country reporting similar threats,” note the EPD in a subsequent community advisory. The hoax apparently originated within the online gaming community.

The EPD will be stepping up patrols of the area as a precaution. “As an additional resource for the school, the Emeryville Police Department will leave officers in place for the remainder of the day and to assist with the re-opening of schools in the morning”.

Schools are expected to reopen tomorrow and resume their normal schedule.

Since this is breaking news, we will update this post as new information becomes available.

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Rob Arias

is a third generation Californian and East Bay native who lived in Emeryville from 2003 to 2021. Rob founded The E'ville Eye in 2011 after being robbed at gunpoint and lamenting the lack of local news coverage. Rob's "day job" is as a creative professional.


  1. To the Editor-
    You told law enforcement that the editor of your competing news site, the Emeryville Tattler, Brian Donahue should be considered a suspect in the fires at the San Pablo Avenue apartment complex last year. Do you think he is responsible for these threats of attacks on our children now?

    • What’s with the attacks on the editor as of late? Has the Tattler run out of self-indulgent yet overall irresponsible pet issues to take on? Surely there has to be some micro issue to be blown up out of proportion in dogged myopic fashion, like limiting the number of bikes that pass between 2 and 4 pm on the fourth Tuesday of even numbered months on the SE corner of Overhere and Overthere. Or perhaps some local business that has the audacity to expect a profit? Better yet, who’s in the Sup position over at the EUSD – let’s barrage her or him with relentless attacks while the Tattler’s editors and their minions send their kids to other schools.

      Of course, because the Tattler misappropriated the BLM and rainbow flag icons it and its lackeys can espouse their self-serving privileged, entitled, urban first world problem-solving agenda. They are probably so sore with their Berkeley-envy. If only they could afford to live there and be true Bleeding Heart Privileged Entitleds!

      Meanwhile, the editor of this blog and reasonable, like-minded folks are such a bastion of Conservative Amerika!!!

      Go pick a fight somewhere else. Try the Pak N Save parking lot and report to us how you fare.

      • Could not have said it better. The Tattler’s antics, especially that of the owner, are filled with half-truths and outright lies. He’s a bully of the first degree and should be dealt with accordingly. The tattler’s a moving target, sometimes it’s a news reporting entity, and others it’s opinion (something like we report, you decide). Sooner or later he will get his comeuppance, in the form of civil or even worse, criminal charge.

    • It seems pretty evident that this stemmed from an online hoax so I don’t know how to address your allegation except to recommend to you, like everyone else has eventually figured out on their own, to take that particular source and the fiction he posts with a grain of salt.

      In terms of “competitor”, you’d have to specify what is being competed for as from what I gather, his mission is to satisfy personal vendettas and preach a narrow political ideology.

      We’re here to publish real news, advocate for resident interests, generate awareness and build community. Hopefully in the process enough people and local businesses value what we do and they consider donating or advertising so we can keep the lights on.

      I’m glad you found a new hobby and messiah though!

    • Anon., If you’re going to post one crazy comment and then turn around 180 degrees and post another crazy comment disagreeing with yourself, this is obvious trolling and we will moderate you (I moderated your last comment stating “John Bauters will not be satisfied until all the EPD is fired. He and the tattler dude want our town only for the homeless and other criminals.”). Please read our comment policy if you have any questions and be advised that nothing is completely anonymous on the interwebz 😉

  2. To the Editor-
    OK, so I get this straight, you’re alleging that you never told anyone in law enforcement or the Mayor or attendees at the press conference hosted by EPD to look to the editor of the Tattler as a suspect in the fire at 3800 San Pablo Avenue AKA The Intersection or the Maz project?

    FYI the Tattler editor isn’t a messiah, just a news editor and he’ll be interested in your answer. I’ll make sure he gets it.

    • Tattler guy can stick up for himself. His antics speak for themselves and everyone knows any accusations made against him by the editor on the issue were in humor.

      Goodness, a floudmouth bully privileged, entitled, straight white male being made to become a victim.

      Really Tattler folks? Really?

  3. To the Editor-
    I made SOME of the “crazy” comments criticizing your editorship but not the one you moderated. You can censor comments all you want, it’s your site, but if you do it to try to discredit your critics, your credibility is what will suffer and you discredit yourself. You should try to come to terms with the idea a critic may not be crazy.

    • I invite criticism of my writing skills, content or anything I provide my opinion on. Was something in this particular story unclear or did I leave out an important perspective? Did I get something wrong or misrepresent the stance of the online gamers that initiated this hoax? Do you think the District or the EPD overreacted and I should have touched on this?

      No, you didn’t criticize what I wrote, you asked me to comment on the editorialized allegations from a discredited source on an unrelated issue. You’re doing your best “Russian Troll” impersonation of trying to fabricate dissent here. Honestly, I don’t have time to engage in that pettiness.

      How pathetic that you had to go “undercover” to troll us.

  4. To the Editor-
    Yes, I’ve been critical of the job you’re doing as editor on this site. I’m being attacked by your readers for doing that. Of course I realize that’s not something you can control but their xenophobic fervor defending you says a lot about the followers you attract. It’s a well worn path of a political stereotype. Yes, I’m talking about conservatives. This IS the conservative news site in Emeryville and yes, to answer your allegation, I don’t live in Emeryville (but I do work here). Your take on the minimum wage alone cements you as the conservative news site for Emeryville. For all of your talk of community, you seem to be playing only to your narrow political base. Remember, a community contains everyone, even those who are critical of the conservative line.

    • Actually, this site took a more progressive view of the minimum wage by promoting a regional approach with a gradual increase. That’s the standard progressive view and the one that has generally been adopted in progressive communities.

      The other blog took the approach that small businesses were the enemy and should be attacked for opposing an immediate increase of the minimum wage to $15 despite all the research that indicates this would damage low income workers, their families, and the local small businesses. The editor of the other blog was literally going to women and PoC owned businesses and yelling at them in front of their patrons to the extent that the police had to be called multiple times. The goal was to intimidate the small business community. The older members of the city council including the primary sponsor of the minimum wage law spoke out against him at the time.

      He maintains a list of small businesses he harasses at the top of his site to this day. Not a single large business is listed. Most of the list is women owned and are women who stood up to him. Not many progressives view harassing women because they stood up to an old white man as progressive.

      Long after the minimum wage was passed, he even went and handed out fliers in front of a woman owned and operated small business encouraging people not to patronize it because of it opposed an unreasonable minimum wage law. Progressive? No. Vindictive and patriarchical? Yes.

      If you think harassing women is progressive, you really have no business commenting on the topic.

      Your position is simply off base, but you want to be cheered for it. Forget it. No one is going to pretend you’re right on a topic where you are completely wrong.

    • As a life long registered Democrat who reads this site every day, I have no clue what you are talking about.

      • I agree that this site is Conservative by some in this regions’ standards. The professional activists have moved the needle of what a traditional Democrat is so far to the radical left, that us regular folks are no longer welcome in our party or allowed to decide its direction (ask Dianne Feinstein that pro-gun control, gay marriage supporting right-winger!). In fact, anybody who does not mindlessly cosign whatever the Dem-Socialist Senator from Vermont decides (49th in population, whitest state in the union and whose biggest contributions are maple syrup, coats and ice-cream), you are also no longer welcome. 

        In fact, If you support policies that favor the middle class, you are now considered “conservative.”

        If you prefer policies that help get the large percentage of homeless suffering from mental health issues and addictions off the street instead of ‘letting them be’ and allowing them to slowly poison themselves and rot under highways, you are now considered “conservative”.

Unless you have an endless reservoir of compassion everytime you step over a pile of hypodermic needles or broken car window glass, check your privilege, you are now “conservative”.

        If you don’t willfully forfeit all park space and common areas to encampments, you are now “conservative”.

        If you support building large housing projects to help our region dig itself out of a massive housing deficit and stabilize home prices and rents, you are a gentrifier AND a “conservative”.

        If you get angry over having your property burglarized or seeing open-air bike chopshops in your city instead of coming to terms that the thieves must need your possessions more than you, you are now considered  “conservative”

        If you think public safety is even in the top 10 of our priorities, you are now “conservative”

        If you think we should actually make an effort to catch and penalize people that commit crimes instead of letting them off with a stern warning, you are now considered “conservative”.

        If you’re skeptical of wealth redistribution policies and a universal basic income for all people that make less money than you, you are now considered “conservative”.

        If you don’t willingly and gleefully hand over more money ever time our local government asks for it with no accountability (even if you are already in theory paying for these services through your local, state & federal taxes), you are now considered  “conservative”.

        If you question wether a proposed policy is fiscally sustainable, you are now “conservative”

        Welcome to Mayor Bauters, The Tattler and RULE’s progressive wonderland! Question their leadership? You’re conservative!

      • You forgot the part where the “Liberals” ALWAYS know more and know better than the “Conservatives” because they say so!

        Both our current mayor and the Tattler guy have said this.

        Privileged white males on a soapbox both of them—-and don’t let either of them tell you they’re right there in the trenches with the most marginalized.

      • I am crushing so hard on “Conservative”’s rant. Yes, Yes, and Yes. I owe you a beer, friend.

        I am so tired of feeling like I am a crazy elitist becuase I am not walking around with toilet paper to offer to the people that like to use the bushes at the corner as their personal toilet. (There were some fresh blue condom pachages strewn about on the afternoon walk today, a colorful addition to the eight green beer bottles, white toilet paper, and brown poop against a red wall) If “gentrifier” means not throwing my trash on the ground or robbing people or shooting them in the face then, or living indoors then yeah, I guess I fit the “conservative” moniker.

    • In the name of transparency, I opted to moderate this commenter after some detective work determined it was likely the writer of the aforementioned blog. This gentleman had previously been blocked for posting comments under bogus names, posting off-topic links to promote his own blog and other trolling behavior. This same gentlemen has been previously removed from Nextdoor for abusive comments directed toward neighbors and posting links to his slanderous posts. Nextdoor accounts under his daughter’s and wife’s names that were subsequently used to post links to his blog have also recently been disabled. His recent in-person confrontation of my family at my son’s daycare was the last straw for me personally.

  5. Here is the problem with Emeryville:l plot I s: Continuity. We don’t need a rotating Mayor but a direct election. The way it is now, the politicians use this spot as a stepping stone. Case in point Bauters regional media blitz this past weekend, bypassing the electorate on the details of the $110 million ask.

    Medina next. Ugh

    • In a council-manager form of city government, the title of Mayor is pretty much ceremonial. Appointment of Mayor via direct election wouldn’t really do anything meaningful. Maybe Mayor should just be the longest tenured council member, however.

    • Actually very few conservatives from what I’ve seen here. Almost non-existent in the comments or the articles. Almost every single commenter and writer have a strong liberal slant.

      But what you do fine are a lot of outspoken liberals who oppose progressive ideologues, extremism, and the race to out-progressive each other by imposing increasingly irrational headline grabbing laws.

      This stands in opposition to a small number of progressive ideologues who have taken over Emeryville’s government recently.

      Progressivism put Trump in the White House and it will continue to damage liberal ideals and governance.

      Great article on that today in the (not even a little conservative) NY Times:

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