
Nov. 2018 City of Emeryville Highlights: Emery Go-Round Eyeing West Oakland Yard, SF Business Times Paid Insert

3 mins read

The City of Emeryville provides a monthly progress report outlining significant developments and milestones that occurred throughout the period. Among the highlights for the only meeting conducted during the month of November include a PR effort by the city to promote itself and a new in-progress bus yard for the Emery Go-Round.

SF Business Times Paid Insert

In an effort to market and promote itself to businesses, the city recently paid for a twenty page advertorial insert in the San Francisco Business Times dubbing our city “The Home of Creativity & Innovation.” The insert contains a variety of profiles of local businesses including Honor Kitchen, Jered’s Pottery, Pixar and Wareham Development.

“This provides me with a printed collateral piece that is up to date that I can better tell the story of our city when I’m meeting with new and prospective businesses,” said Economic Development and Housing Manager Chad Smalley who noted the city contributed about $10K toward publishing it.

These articles can be read online or viewed below in magazine format.

Approval of 2019 Emeryville TMA Budget

City Council unanimously approved a budget of $3,581,271 for the 2019 calendar year for the Emeryville Transportation Management Association (TMA) to operate The Emery Go-Round Shuttle Service. The Agency and city staff have worked to pursue delinquent funds from large property owners that Mayor John Bauters noted included the EUSD.

TMA Program Manager Veronica “Roni” Hattrup was on hand and identified a Caltrans owned space near the Oakland Extended Stay America off Mandela Parkway that the agency is in negotiations to lease. The agency is working to finalize a design for the yard and they anticipate construction to begin next year and be completed in 2020. Budget for the yard that includes maintenance would be approximately $150,00 and would be drawn from TMA reserves.

The design would factor in future infrastructure including underground conduit that could accommodate electric vehicle charging stations if/when the agency migrates its fleet. Emery Go-Round has been utilizing a temporary lot off of Horton Street owned by Novartis.

The presentation for this item can be viewed below at [49:50].

Please note that the summaries provided below are taken directly from the text of these reports.

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November Highlights of The Month

The City Council approved the execution of an Exclusive Right to Negotiate agreement (ERN) with Orton Development Inc. (ODI) for the Art Center project at 4060 Hollis Street.

The Council also approved the second reading of an ordinance amending the Planning Regulations to increase the development potential on the east side of San Pablo Avenue between 40th and 45th Streets, in support of a proposed affordable housing project on the former Recreation Center site at 43rd Street and San Pablo Avenue.

The Council received a report on implementation of the Economic Development Strategy in 2018. The Strategy was adopted by the City Council in October of 2017.

The Broken Rack billiard hall’s outdoor patio on the Peladeau Park portion of the Emeryville Greenway opened on November 8, and a “grand opening” for the redesigned and expanded Christie Park was held on November 29.

An application for a demolition permit for the blighted buildings on the “Nady Site” at 6701 Shellmound Street was submitted on November 19.

A temporary certificate of occupancy was issued on November 29 for the EmeryStation West/Transit Center project, including the first and second floor vehicular garage and bus bays, third floor terrace common areas, pedestrian bridge, and ground floor plaza connection between the garage and Amtrak Station.

A San Francisco Business Times advertorial insert on Emeryville, highlighting the City’s unique combination of art and innovation, was published on November 16 and was distributed to 18,000 subscribers in the region.

View the entire progress report on Emeryville.org →

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November 13th Council Meeting

Impact Fee Report (Consent Item)

The City Council approved the Annual Development Impact Fee Report for Fiscal Year 2017-2018.

San Pablo Avenue General Plan and Planning Regulations Amendment (Consent Item)

The Council unanimously passed the second reading of an Ordinance amending the Planning Regulations to increase the maximum development potential that could occur within an area of approximately 2.5 acres fronting the east side of San Pablo Avenue from 40th Street to approximately 170 feet south of 45th Street by increasing the allowable floor area ratio (FAR), building height, and residential density. The ordinance will take effect in 30 days, on December 13.

Art Center (Action Item)

The Council unanimously approved a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an Exclusive Right to Negotiate agreement (ERN) with Orton Development Inc. (ODI) for the Art Center project at 4060 Hollis Street. ODI was selected to develop the Art Center after a competitive Request for Qualifications/Proposal process. During the term of the ERN, staff and ODI will negotiate a Lease Disposition and Development Agreement that will provide for the design, construction and operation of the Art Center.

The presentation for this item can be viewed above at [1:00:37].

Economic Development Strategy Annual Implementation Report (Action Item)

The City Council received a report on implementation of the Economic Development Strategy in 2018. The Strategy was adopted by the City Council in October of 2017. The Annual Implementation Report described the current status of all actions included in the Strategy, and staff’s presentation highlighted selected items from the Report.

The presentation for this item can be viewed above at [1:04:26].

Download the November 13th Council Meeting Agenda →

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Rob Arias

is a third generation Californian and East Bay native who lived in Emeryville from 2003 to 2021. Rob founded The E'ville Eye in 2011 after being robbed at gunpoint and lamenting the lack of local news coverage. Rob's "day job" is as a creative professional.


    • Prop SF reportedly stopped their public service and now just do private charters for big tech companies. Tideline is supposed to start a public ferry from the Emeryville Marina but no firm timeline.

  1. Umm.. I’m pretty sure that Joe DeVries has got his EYE on the Yard as well. You know ,everyone is always bitching about The Homeless and yet the same mindless greedy creeps , then suddenly “discover the last lands tucked off away from your precious homes most bought from the local Gentrifukarion dealers ,forcing the local folks out that in fact are attempting so nobely to continue to exist iN THEIR home neighborhood. That yard is I believe slated for a rv and she’d counity and considering that the plan as I understand ,is going to along with the new West Grand navagation station house the 300 FREE-RANGE citizens of OAKLAND . Transportation is a very important part of our budging city Metropolis however Oakland has landed the Cal Trans land lease and many independent developers makers and regular Joe’s are constructing some very inovative plans thatj include a Expo\ campus center for housing and industry,entertainment,and education. Bit hey Emeryville needs an Emeryville bus station or uh something…Go .As.
    Curbside People need Curb Urban design. Quit hoggin all the land .

  2. A 20 page insert to attract new businesses.

    A City Council determined to drive out old businesses with the nation’s highest minimum wage and FWW.

    Perhaps we could get rid of the MWO, the FWW, the 20 page insert, and the city council and break even.



    — a local small business owner

    (Sorry Chad)

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