John Muir Health and UCSF Health announced that they will be opening their first joint medical center for primary care and specialty care in our region. ‘Berkeley Outpatient Center’ is expected to open in June and will provide patients with another choice for care in our area that already includes One Medical and Stanford Health Care.
The facility will open at the renovated Foundry31 office complex (FKA The Marchant Building) that is currently occupied by City Sports, TCHO Chocolates and an Amazon Fulfillment center among others. “This new facility brings together two locally and nationally recognized health systems for the benefit of patients and the community,” said Caroline Schreiber, MD. Schreiber is the appointed medical director of the new center, a family medicine physician and a Berkeley native.
“Patients will have local, expert care that emphasizes prevention and wellness, while also having on-site access to UCSF Health and John Muir Health specialists when they need it,” she said. “Having primary care and specialist physicians in one location enhances collaboration, knowledge sharing and care coordination, so patients receive the best possible care and expertise from UCSF Health and John Muir Health.”

The facility will include top primary and specialty care doctors, as well as urgent care and a wide range of health care services. The Center will open with seven family medicine physicians, who are trained to care for patients of all ages, from newborns to seniors. A nurse practitioner will join the team in September.
“We’re offering a new choice for health care in the Berkeley area,” said Cal Knight, President and CEO of John Muir Health. “Our goal is to deliver high-quality health care and an exceptional patient experience at lower cost, which we believe can be best achieved by offering a full range of services and coordinated care under one roof at the Berkeley Outpatient Center. We’re excited to be a part of the community.”
The Center also represents the expansion of an ongoing collaborations between John Muir Health and UCSF Health, which include serving as co-founders of Canopy Health, a network of more than 5,000 doctors, dozens of care centers and numerous renowned local hospitals spanning seven Bay Area counties. In addition, John Muir Health and UCSF Health formed the joint venture company, BayHealth Development, which is developing the medical center.
“This center represents a new model for health care that keeps patients close to the physicians who know them, while bringing specialists from UCSF and John Muir Health directly to the community,” said Mark Laret, President and CEO of UCSF Health, which includes UCSF Medical Center, California’s top-ranked hospital. “The Berkeley Outpatient Center will offer patients convenience, as well as the assurance that they have access to the full spectrum of outpatient care in one site.”
In addition to primary care, leading experts in seventeen different specialties will be available including Cardiology, Dermatology, Neurology, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Orthopedics and Vascular Surgery.
The Outpatient Center also will feature an Urgent Care Center, which will be open 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. Monday through Friday and 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. on weekends. Urgent care will be available to patients with an array of urgent, non-life threatening medical conditions and symptoms ranging from sprains and bruises to cough and fever.
Patients can schedule same-day appointments online or access walk-in care at the Urgent Care Center. Imaging and lab services also will be available, so patients can stay in one location for their care rather than having to travel to multiple locations for appointments and tests. The facility will also offer free, validated parking on site for their patients.
The Outpatient Center will accept most major health insurance plans, including HMO plans through Canopy Health. More information can be found at
Feature Image: Mike McEuen
Thank you for this article about the new “Berkeley Outpatient Center” opening nearby in June.
Dr. Schreiber was my fathers doctor, and my own doctor will also move to this center. Both are excellent doctors and such nice people. I’m also glad to know there will be an Urgent Care Center with evening/weekend hours.
Another copy and paste article from someone with something to sell. That’s a recurring theme at this news site. What’s Emeryville’s other news site got right now? A document obtained by a freedom of info request from city hall proving the planning department lied to the planning commission to help a developer save money by cutting down our trees. One of these news sites commonly uses old fashioned investigative journalism, the other commonly used copy and paste to help the business community.
Actually, the “journalism” at the other “news site” (which is actually just a blog) is consistently atrocious. The guy lies, misrepresents, and inevitably avoids publishing any facts or opinions that are inconsistent with his own views. In the case of this stupid “save the trees on my street” thing he’s on now, he just avoids the fact that trees categorized as “fair” might reasonably be considered unhealthy. He writes it like a scandal because that’s what he does. Truly, people care a lot more about a local health care facility being added nearby than they do about whether a much needed housing development has to cut down a few trees as part of a massive redevelopment project on one guy’s street. If you like the Tattler, read the Tattler, but don’t pretend it’s journalism. It’s really just one guy’s place to rant about things that affect him personally, and everyone in the community knows that. It’s amusing sometimes, and I enjoy watching the author berate everyone who reads his site and has the gall to offer another opinion. It reminds me what’s wrong with the world and why it’s so important to support Rob and the team of people he’s put together here.
Since journalism is the collecting and editing of news for presentation through the media, the Tattler is definitely journalism. Most of the stories there are in the public interest and commonly the Editor uses investigation by digging behind the scenes to present the facts that are contrary to what the elite is claiming. This is exactly why journalism is valuable for the pubic. The E’Ville Eye’s Editor while sometimes doing good journalism, usually just presents what the elite wants the public to know. What’s definitely not journalism is to shut out part of the community that disagrees or is critical. Debate, sure but not shut out.
It seems like you just don’t like the Tattler’s left wing views and that’s fine. I too think it’s sometimes too left but on the other hand the E’Ville Eye is commonly too conservative. I think the Tattler is further left than most Emeryville citizens but the E’Ville Eye is farther right than most citizens. Both have a political agenda, one progressive the other conservative.
I understand you don’t like trees but most people do like them. The trees the Tattler is reporting about belong to the people. They have a right to know if they’re going to be cut down by corrupt means. I have followed this story. The majority of the trees are healthy and the Tattler proved it with the incriminating document he uncovered. You’re entitled to think fair means unhealthy but you’re wrong. Fair means average or acceptable quality. ‘Unhealthy’ is not fair health. It’s poor health. The city planning dept is lying to the decision makers and the Tattler caught them. That’s not anything the E’Ville Eye would do. I support the Tattler with this piece of investigative journalism and you should too. You seem angry.
The Tattler is definitely not journalism. You’re entitled to your opinion, but I don’t think many in the community who reads both would agree with you. There’s a reason this site is much more widely read.
Journalism requires a level of objectivity, honesty, and neutrality that the Tattler just can’t manage. The EvilleEye isn’t the New York Times, but it makes an attempt to give voice to everyone. From guest authors to a wide group of writers from the community, Rob has done a fantastic job pulling together the happenings in Emeryville on a shoestring budget and in a very professional format.
He gets high praise and a lot of community support because people believe in what he’s doing and respect how much work he puts into it. Rob is the Emeryville community.
The views presented on the Tattler are generally very conservative but spun as progressive. The editor attacks the public schools, small local businesses, the public servants, and housing development aggressively and shamelessly (not even a little progressive). The site is mostly about him playing out his personal vendettas (and he has many). The problem is that the editor views his self-interest as, by definition, progressive.
The idea that the Tattler is a site where discussion flourishes and all opinions are heard is LOL funny. The editor attacks anyone who disagrees, almost instantly, nearly 100% of the time. He writes every article without any side but his own. He never includes opinions from anyone else. Most public figures won’t respond to his requests for comments any more because of how badly he misrepresents what they say. And he is literally known for going and harassing members of the community who take a stand against him.
Rob is the unfortunate target of a large part of this.
Maybe you haven’t been reading the sites for very long or aren’t aware of the behavior and activities of the editor of the Tattler outside what you read on his site.
Ask around the community a little bit about his antics. If you think what he does is progressive, then you probably aren’t very fond of progressives.
The E’Ville Eye’s Editor gives voice to the people he has banned and who’s comments he has censored you say. That’s a creative way to look at it.
It sounds like investigative journalism is not something you want so you should probably stay here with the copy and pasted feel good press releases from the elite and the constantly titillating crime stories that reinforce your existing narrative. You’re being made too angry by the Tattler. Stay here where there’s nothing distressing going on and you won’t be challenged. And don’t drink too much coffee.
I believe Rob has banned exactly one person from his site: the guy who writes the Tattler. Do use some of that investigative journalism to find out why and to better understand his behavior. He’s well known in the community for all the wrong reasons.
You’re right about one thing: reading the Tattler is certainly a challenge.
The Tattler guy mistakes being heard through all his hootin’ and hollerin’ and making a scene with being taken seriously. It’s privileged, entitled white male ego at its worst, just like with your current POTUS. He’d like to think he’s responsible for the MWO, taking the credit that a woman of color deserves (Martinez).
As someone else noted, he only goes after women and POC.
He’s done himself a huge disservice by not checking his true colors. No one takes him seriously and your constant littering of this “conservative” blog is only cementing the fallacy in his ways and your misguided belief in them.
At the top of his site, he lists 12 small businesses you’re not supposed to do business with. Here’s an annotated list:
EvilleEye – PoC owned who spoke out
Black Bear Diner – Woman owner who spoke out
Broken Rack – Woman owner who spoke out
Scarlet City Cafe – Two women owners who spoke out
Hot Italian Pizza – Woman GM
Head Over Heels – Woman owner who spoke out
Miyozen – Woman owner who spoke out
Summer Summer – Woman owner who spoke out
Jasmine Blossom – Woman owner who spoke out
Bureau 510 – Woman owner who spoke out
Denny’s – Male manager
Black Diamond Cafe – Male owner
Progressive, huh?
The Editor of the Tattler is of course a misogynist Trump voting racist as you say. But what you didn’t reveal is that he’s also a pederast zoophile.
The last response by the Tattler fan makes me think it’s the Tattler guy himself.
Incapable of acknowledging unfavorable and undisputed facts.
Nothing further will come from this exchange and it will just litter this blog with no value added.
Yes Tattler fan/guy you win again with the trophy for the biggest p—, I mean last word!
Yes, that pretty much wraps it up.
For those following along who would like to do something positive, please choose one small business on the vendetta list and have lunch there this week. Tell the owner and her employees that you support them, that you understand how hard it is to keep a small business going, and that you appreciate what they do for the community.
Brian, all you do is complain. Never a constructive point. It gets tiresome. To top things off, you’re a freakin bully. Why don’t you take your sorry ass back along with the rest of your family back to Colorado where you left some 35 years ago?
Any idea if this facility will host a pharmacy? There are precious few good options in the immediate area.
It does not list this among the services offered but I could double check with my contact. Oh, and thanks for having a comment related to the story posted! ????
But the trees?! Will they help save the sick trees? Why are we not focused on the trees?
Some of you are so easily fooled by The Man. Open your eyes people!
These trees represent more than any of you simpleton conservatives can even fathom!
I recommend Costco pharmacy in Richmond (I’ve been going there for years).
You do not need to be a Costco member to get prescription drugs at Costco.
You can also get prescription drugs from Costco online.