
Oakland protesters march into Emeryville & North Oakland

1 min read

Oakland protesters of the Grand Jury decision to not indict the officer who fatally shot Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO, briefly made their way into Emeryville last night. The protesters made their way from Downtown Oakland all the way up Telegraph into the North Oakland neighborhood of Temescal. The protesters vandalized and looted the T-Mobile Store at 49th & Telegraph as well as the beloved (and fervent Oakland supporters, local, family owned) Tip Top Bike Shop.

Helicopter activity became noticeably closer throughout the night until it was evident that the crowds were heading toward Emeryville.


An arrested protester is led away in front of the IHOP on Park Avenue & San Pablo.
(Photo: @KimberlyAChua on Twitter)

News that the protest had first “breached” Emeryville was initially provided via a Nixle alert:


The crowds congregated at the intersection of 40th & San Pablo before being dispersed. Initial fears were that protesters were targeting the “crown jewel of Capitalism” in the East Bay: The Bay Street Shopping Mall. “We don’t believe Emeryville was targeted, it was just the progression of the route they chose to walk” noted Emeryville Police Department PIO Brian Head via Phone. Head also noted that the EPD was targeted by thrown objects from the Andante condominiums.



11/25/14 EPD Press Release:

At approximately 10:53 PM, protesters that had originated in Oakland made their way into Emeryville. Officials estimated the number of protesters to be around 250. Protesters actions in Emeryville included; blocking intersections, making loud noises, throwing rocks, bottles and other objects at officers and some minor property damage to a local business. Emeryville Police was assisted by the Oakland Police Department. No arrests were made by EPD. Neither protesters nor any officers were injured in the event.

The “local business” mentioned in the press release was the Subway at the Southwest corner of 40th & San Pablo Avenue. The protesters also lit a small fire in the middle of the 40th/S.P. intersection that was contained.

Subway, Home Depot, Andante & Feature image: @Menard08 on Instagram

“We’re following all developing news regarding protests and plans are being made for this evening as well as the rest of the week through Black Friday” Noted Officer Head.

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Rob Arias

is a third generation Californian and East Bay native who lived in Emeryville from 2003 to 2021. Rob founded The E'ville Eye in 2011 after being robbed at gunpoint and lamenting the lack of local news coverage. Rob's "day job" is as a creative professional.


  1. I have continually asked if the ECCL is prepared to hadle the wrath of future protesters on San Pablo Ave… ? The protesters had a better idea when they targeted the financial institutions. Why can’t we have peaceful protests, instead of hurting innocent people and business owners.?

  2. We cannot and must not allow wanton thuggery to persist under the guise of free speech. Destruction of property, disruption of commerce and property damage bears no nexus whatsoever to the pox of police brutality. Washed up politicians’ calls to “target financial institutions” are a similarly unwelcome distraction. Drawing a link between the financial services sector and anecdotal police abuses is specious, meth-head reasoning.

    Destabilizing civil order undermines our constitutional right to domestic tranquility and contravenes our compact to promote the general welfare irrespective of an ostensibly righteous underlining cause. Such conduct dishonors the victims of police brutality.

    We must deal with these proletariat savages and others who incite and/ or perpetrate violence, destruction, and disruption harshly.

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