
E’ville Celebrates National Night Out tonight from 6-8PM

1 min read

Now in its 31st year, tonight is National Night Out across the U.S. “NNO” aims to strengthen communities by establishing a rapport between local law enforcement and neighbors. A program “to heighten crime prevention awareness, generate support for and participation in local anti-crime programs, and strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships,” Effectively a Big Block Party with attendance by the local police and city staff. This is your opportunity to express your concerns about unique issues facing your neighborhood and introduce yourself to that neighbor that you’ve seen 100’s of times (but still don’t know their name).

“It is a day to get out and energize the community, not only to get to know law enforcement or fire or other city departments that are participating but to get to know each other” noted Police Chief Ken James in an excerpt from a forthcoming exclusive interview with The E’ville Eye. “Realistically, that probably is the best crime deterrent there is … if everybody just goes in their house and closes their blinds and never looks out, never says hello and everything else, you have a dead neighborhood and National Night Out was designed to start to energize to get the communities working and meeting and understanding”.


The City of Emeryville is hosting seven separate neighborhood events spread out throughout the city. Neighborhoods without an event are encouraged to participate in the City event at Doyle-Hollis Park.

[one_half last=”no”]
1. Peninsula/Watergate: *CANCELED*
2. Christie Core: *CANCELED*
3. North End/Butchertown: Doyle & 65th
4. Central E’ville: Doyle-Hollis Park
5. Emery Bay Village: Emeryville Child Development Center
[one_half last=”yes”]
6. Park Avenue District: 1510 Park (Shed Salon/EB Pilates)
The Triangle:
7. Emeryville Senior Center
8. Temescal Creek Park
9. Ambassador Apts – 36th & Peralta

I’m personally “captaining” my Park Avenue neighborhood event (with Pizza graciously donated by Hot Italian!). Pop by and say hello to me, my wife & Fiona. Even if you have a busy life and don’t really know anyone, this is an opportunity to “do the minimum” for your community and just show up. Regardless of the level of criminal activity in you area, all neighborhoods could benefit from a little neighbor interaction. For Emeryville Instagram users, I’m hoping to publish a gallery of activity from the evening. Use the hashtag #EvilleNNO to have your photos included below:


[instapress tag=”evillenno” piccount=”20″ size=”140″ effect=”fancybox” title=”1″]

Our neighbors in Berkeley & Oakland will also be participating in NNO. A List of neighborhood events can be found in these posts:
Berkeley to join National Night Out celebration Tuesday | Berkelyside

Oakland: Block parties to deter crime also raise debate | CCTimes.com

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Rob Arias

is a third generation Californian and East Bay native who lived in Emeryville from 2003 to 2021. Rob founded The E'ville Eye in 2011 after being robbed at gunpoint and lamenting the lack of local news coverage. Rob's "day job" is as a creative professional.

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