March 2018 Emeryville Crime Report: Auto Burglaries down, Two Banks Robbed

April 26, 2018
2 mins read

The March 2018 Emeryville Crime report saw 189 total crimes reported for the month (up slightly from 188 in February or +.5%). Auto Burglaries, despite being up from last month, are down 18% for the year. Petty thefts, generally the second most common crime committed in our city, were also down.

Despite this good news, our city saw two bank robberies in the month as well as the second reported incident of rape this year.

Crimes reported for 2018 are on a 13% downward trajectory from last year.


The City of Emeryville is divided into small geographical areas that facilitate the Department’s efforts to tract crime and neighborhood problems, and allocate personnel resources to meet the service need. Crime statistics are reported by the EPD through An archive of monthly crime statistics provided can be viewed on the city website.

[one_third last=”no”]
1. San Pablo Avenue
2. North Emeryville
3. Emery Bay
4. Peninsula
[one_third last=”no”]
5. Shellmound
6. Artist Colony
7. San Pablo Avenue – South
8. Triangle
[one_third last=”yes”]
9. East Bay bridge (East)
10. East Bay bridge (West)
11. Outside of City Limits


The reporting district matrix lists the category and number of crimes reported by district. The descriptions below are “highlights” and are not provided for every crime reported.


District 2

Amtrak Station, 5885 Horton St.: Officers met with a disoriented female victim who reported being raped. The female was not sure which city the rape occurred in.


District 3

Wells Fargo Bank, 5801 Christie Ave.: A male suspect handed the bank teller a note demanding cash. The teller complied. LOSS: $902 dollars. EPD arrested the suspect a few days later.

IFO 5903 Shellmound Ave.: A strongarm robbery occurred. LOSS: A watch and a wallet. Suspects: (3) males.

District 5

H & M, 5630 Bay St.: A shoplifter used force to steal merchandise from the store. Suspect: A male juvenile. LOSS: Miscellaneous clothing.

Chase Bank, 5747 Christie Ave.: A male suspect handed the bank teller a note demanding cash. The teller complied. LOSS: $700.

District 7

Adobe, 1250 53rd St.: A male suspect entered the business and robbed the victim of his cell phone.

District 9

Pak N Save, 3889 San Pablo Ave.: A male shoplifter used forced to take store merchandise from the security guard. The merchandise was recovered.

Parking lot of Pak N Save, 3889 San Pablo Ave.: A Lyft passenger robbed the driver of his wallet and fled the area on foot. Suspect: Female adult.

Pak N Save, 3889 San Pablo Ave.: A male suspect who stole a bag of meat threatened to get a gun when he was approached by the store manager. The suspect fled the area with the loss.

At Toys R Us, 3938 Horton St.: Four females concealed merchandise in a shopping bag and tried to leave the store without paying. A store employee attempted to recover the merchandise, however one of the females threatened the employee saying she was going to shoot him in the face. The suspects fled the area.

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District 2

Amtrak Pedestrian Overcrossing, 5885 Horton St.: Three male juveniles pushed a male adult victim down the stairs, kicked and punched the victim several times, and fled the area.

District 4

Shorebird Park: A male victim said his boyfriend beat him with a 6 foot stick, and threw rocks and other objects at him. The suspect was gone on EPD’s arrival.


District 2

Glashaus Cleaners, 6462 Hollis St.: POE: Front door – Window smash. LOSS: $100 from the cash register.

District 7

ECCL Gym/Pool, 1100 47th St.: POE: Locker – Lock removed. LOSS: Wallet and Cell Phone.

4500 Hollis St.: POE: Fence – Suspect jumped over the fence. Loss/Recovered: A battery from a golf cart. EPD arrested the suspect at the scene.

District 9

Oojoo, 3823 San Pablo Ave.: POE: Front door – Forced open. LOSS: iPad mini.


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District 5

5600 block of Bay Street: POE: Window. EPD arrested two male juveniles shortly thereafter.

District 8

1000 block of 47th Street: An attempted burglary occurred.


Of the 10 vehicles reported stolen:

  • 3 vehicles were recovered intact
  • 1 vehicle was recovered but suffered major stripping
  • 1 vehicle was a motorcycle
  • There was one report of an attempted theft

The spreadsheet compares criminal activity relative to last year, averages from the previous 3 years and annual totals for the year.

*Categories not included in Part 1 Crimes
N/C: Not Calculable

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Rob Arias

is a third generation Californian and East Bay native who lived in Emeryville from 2003 to 2021. Rob founded The E'ville Eye in 2011 after being robbed at gunpoint and lamenting the lack of local news coverage. Rob's "day job" is as a creative professional.


  1. To Emeryville conservatives-
    Time to copy and paste again. Crime is skyrocketing says the E’Ville Eye. Be afraid. Be very afraid but make sure to keep coming back and clicking on the E’Ville Eye. A constant drumbeat of clicks is what’s called for. If the clicks slow down the Editor will remind us the city council is responsible for the crime wave because they told the police to go soft on criminals. That should drive up the clicks. The Emeryville police are working to drive up crime because of the progressive city council. Click, click. Keep coming back for more. Click.

      • Just ignore the Tattler crew like everyone else does. They’re just jealous they aren’t getting clicks because educated people (of which there are more than enough in this town) don’t like wasting their time on bad fiction.

      • I’ll say that it’s easy to dismiss the importance of public safety when you live in the bright blue area of the crime heat map like the Donahue Bros. Objectively, crimes reported are up 57% since they/RULE seized the council majority in 2014 and now hold influence over all 5 councilmemnbers. We can debate ‘why’ crime is up, but the data cannot be refuted.

        I suppose when you don’t have to worry about crime or our spiking rents/cost of living, you get to focus on saving dying trees, NIMBYism and adding diverters in front of your homes.

        It must be nice!

  2. “Three male juveniles pushed a male adult victim down the stairs, kicked and punched the victim several times, and fled the area.”

    Try working late at the bright red part of the map, having to cross the pedestrian walkway across the railroad tracks where you’re pretty much trapped, knowing that the walkway and the area is targeted for robberies (and now beatings! and shootings! yay!)…

    AND THE DAMN EPD WON’T PUBLISH DESCRIPTIONS OF THE SUSPECTS ANYMORE for fear of upsetting the author of the other idiotic blog and his city council brother.

    If ANYONE is loitering by the walkway, I have to stop, go back, and go another way because I don’t have any idea what I’m looking for. Hide the descriptions of people committing crimes so the muggers in our area are safe and can operate freely. Fantastic.

    “Oh no, I might be suspicious of the wrong person!!” Great. Instead I have to be suspicious of everyone and/or risk being mugged and possibly shot. Makes perfect sense now that I know the people who came up with this policy don’t have to deal with this crap.

    • If the police want the public to respond with tips to help find a suspect they will have to leave more of a description than the apparent race and gender of the suspect. If they can’t do that it doesn’t help to provide a description that general.

      • It actually helps tremendously.

        Approximate age, race, and gender narrows the group of people by about 95%. In other words, by providing just these 3 items, 96-98% of the people in the community are eliminated from suspicion (age group reduces the population to 20%, sex by another 50%, and race a further 66% or more). If you then provide a location and nature of the crime, you can get that to a point where 99.99% of people are eliminated from suspicion. That’s huge.

        At that point, suspicious activity that aligns with the type of crime, in the same area, by the same age, by the same gender, and by the same race has the highest possible probability of accurately identifying a likely repetition of the crime.

        This greatly reduces the risk of innocent people from having to interact with the police while increasing the chance of catching criminals.

        The less information the public has, the more likely it is that innocent people are caught up in a police action. Intentionally reducing the amount of information available to the public puts all of the public at risk, and to the extent that implicit bias exists, greatly increases the risk to people of color.

        If we have the option of knowing either that three white teens have been mugging people at the Public Market or just that three teens have been mugging people at the Public Market, which one has a greater chance of resulting in three black teens having to interact with police?

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