Emeryville metal fabrication studio operator Joe Karr has been charged with murdering 43 year-old Southwest flight attendant Kelly Turner whom he was dating. The two were traveling together in Austin to meet Turner’s parents when they apparently had a dispute after visiting a bar on Halloween. Karr may have then tried to take his own life as his mug shot clearly shows wounds to his neck that police say are “self-inflicted”. Karr fled after the incident in a stolen vehicle but was arrested that same day.
Karr is a twenty year professional steel fabricator, sculptor and artist who operated Bohemian Blacksmith Studios at 3631 San Pablo next to Lanesplitter Pizza. Bohemian custom fabricated tools, furniture, architectural embellishments … and weapons according to their site and facebook page where they frequently posted photos of the custom forged weaponry. Karr is being held on a $2 million bail at the Travis County Jail in Austin.
Source: Bohemian Blacksmith Facebook Page
Boyfriend Arrested for Stabbing SouthWest Flight Attendant from Alameda
A flight attendant was stabbed to death and police say the boyfriend she brought home to meet her parents is the one who did it. Joseph Karr, 53, is charged with the murder of 43-year-old Kelly Turner.
Turner was a Southwest flight attendant based out of the Oakland International Airport. Her boyfriend lives in Oakland and works as an artist and sculptor. He’s now in jail for allegedly stabbing Turner to death after a fight on Halloween.
It was supposed to be an exciting trip for Turner who lived in Alameda. The couple traveled to Austin, Texas, to Turner’s hometown so she could introduce him to her family. Instead, the 43-year-old ended up dead.
Read More on ABC7News.com
This story was also picked up nationally by The Huffington Post
InsideBayArea.com has also reported this and has some additional details.

I initially saw this story on my Google News page a few days ago and didn’t think anything of it, crime happens.
A little later I saw it again on KTVU and dug in a bit. Just like other crimes the horrific event happens, the headlines are posted, and then the justice system handles it from there – but this was a respected Bay Area Artisan, I’m intrigued. What happened here? Who was this man – anyone out there in the Bay Area familiar with him? What must the family of the victim be going through at this point – all wonder why…
Austin, TX Court Docket Indicates:
Joseph Karr’s court date is 11/25/2014. Plea to be entered then.
Agreed Curtis. Everyone I’ve chatted with considered him a fairly normal guy and I haven’t heard of any history of violence. What caused him to apparently snap? We intend to follow up on this one when we know more.
He wasn’t a normal guy at all. Dig deeper and you’ll find many people found him odd and not quite right.
Hey Rob, he was a regular audience member and danced at many Americana shows in the SF bay area. I knew him very peripherally but there are a lot of folks in the music scene that knew him well. If you want to dig deeper that would be a good lead. I’d start asking local country musicians and their friends. There are some folks who have mentioned some darkness in his past relationships and other friends who can’t believe he was capable of this. Either way, I am certain there’s a lot more to his story. Truly disturbing and very sad.
Lenore, I’d be interested in digging a bit deeper but simply don’t know where to look. Any other sites/posts on this topic that you might recommend – thanks!
Joe is still the main suspect in the murder of John Chavez in denver co.joe had threatened to kill John over a bad business deal. John was shot and stabbed in the back alley of both of their shops on sante fe blvd.joe quickly loaded up a semi trailer and moved to Cali.i was Joe’s neighbor and questioned by homicide.he was very strange yet nice
I have known Joe Karr for 30 yrs. and I am utterly in shock! He is such a kind, calm, positive person. I don’t know any details but I am devastated to learn of this tragic, horrific incident.
I totally agree with you. I have known him since 2011, and always found him to be kind, gracious, caring, and totally normal in word and deed. He was well liked, and still is. I attended many dance functions where he was also in attendance, and did a number of things with him socially as a friend. This is totally shocking and out of character for the person I know. I feel very bad about what happened.
Joe Karr did not do it. Michael ******* had a gun & set him up! This is the truth! & @Lenore he is an artist, creative person and all the artists I know are a wee bit odd & quirky. He is not a murderer!
How dare you slander Michael *******! You have no idea what this family has gone through. Where is your proof? How can you even utter those words without any factual grounds whatsoever. Such an act is pure evil.
Lenore, please tell us more about what you’ve heard about Karr. I’m sure there were signs. Before the murder, Kelly’s best friend received a cryptic call from someone in California concerning Karr.
I am so sorry if I offended anyone and i do sincerely know what the family & friends must have gone through 🙁 I am not evil. I was sent this & it did make sense to me because I know he is a nonviolent person. He is a pacifist, kind, generous, positive! I know him & I sincerely want to find out more details because I am not buying that he is a murderer. I feel in my gut that something else must of happened that evening & he is inoccent until proven guilty. When tragedies like this in life happen we are all devastated & I suppose until all the details are exposed we still have questions & hopefully justice prevails!!
I am not slandering anyone. that was not my intent. Just in shock & someone I know sent me this so I put it on. He is not a violent person whatsoever. He is so loving, gentle…. He is my long term friend for 30 yrs and I am in so much shock & i do not believe he could of ever done this to anyone. i do not know any more detail & I have not spoken to him and yes I am devastated for the friends & family of this beautiful woman. Honestly my heart hurts for them:)
No cryptic phone call, I know it. Teresa Dianne Karr
No cryptic phone call, nude photos. Get IT Got IT good.
Sorry, just reading all of this and appalled. He certainly did do it. I was friends with Kelly and there were several instances where he flew off the handle at her, acting extremely irrational, jealous and psychotic. They were always fighting and bickering, as was the case on that night. It’s hard to imagine why lovely Kelly put up with it for so long. It’s common for people like Joe to be very charming on the outer edge. But I know people that lived with him previously and said there was something not quite right about him, but they never expected this. We’re all still in disbelief.
T; I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. Thank you for your input about their dysfunctional relationship. I didn’t know this or how long they were dating for? I also read that someone posted that Kelly was pregnant, which would make this all the more horrific. I too am in disbelief 🙁
How do you feel now Terry? He stabbed her 37 times.
How long? What do you disbelieve? Joe Karr is innocent. Who lived with him previously? Do you know them? Did Joe have freeloaders and couch surfers, previously? Did they say that there was something not quite right about him, OR, did they say—-Sumptin jist aint quite right bout dat guy?? Go figure T. Teresa
The Joseph Karr I know is a kind, decent person. I know him in the dancing, community, and I have always found him to be respectful, sweet, decent and kind. You are likely a relative with your name being the same as his. I am sorry for what you and your family are going through. I just found out this news from a friend.
He is absolutely guilty. He murdered our friend. Other friends were down the hall and heard he scream before he stole their car.
She was intelligent, beautiful, and caring. Now she’s gone. By the hands of that “non-violent” monster.
RIP sweet Kelly
Teresa u r a nut case and you need to leave Monte Rio
She was pregnant by him a few months prior, but lost the baby.
as much as anyone can know anyone else… i have known Joe for 6 years. he is charming, he hasn’t had any long term relationships past a few weeks to months)… many relationships seemed to be on again/ off again. a couple of babies lost in utero… Joe is a capable guy, capable of many things, good and bad.
@ another guy… i agree with your comments. He has never had any long term relationships as far as I know either. He enjoyed Rockabilly music & dancing & his creative endeavours, always a likeable guy who I did consider a good friend. Aaah Life; do we ever really know anyone:(
and, having the storefront of where Joe rented space doesn’t seem all that cool for the fellow that owns that space. Joe did not build that space, he only rented space there and last he told me, was moving out from there.
He has a court date on Jan. 9th Travis County Court @ 9:00 am. Texas!
Perhaps the reason his relationships did not last long was because women were scared of him. At least he will receive swifter justice in Texas than in California.
RK… The thing is that women were NOT scared of him. He was always a likeable guy, and the scariest thing is that no one saw this coming. I honestly could write a book about Joe Karr; but for now will just leave a message that, “Karma is a bitch”
YES, women were scared of him. I dated him. I ended it quickly when I realized he wasn’t all there in the head. I’m also pretty sure he has a sister named Terry. While it’s natural to support your brother, unfortunately, I believe he was capable of this crime.
No I am not his sister. I did date him and have remained super close friends for years. The truth will come out! I have spoken with him. He is strong despite the absurdity of all of this!
Absurdity? The woman is was found stabbed, he had the weapon, fled and tried to slit his own throat. Please explain the truth if that is not it.
Okay, Terry. Now we are getting someplace. Joe is strong despite the absurdity of all this! I am sure of it, I will help him. He knows all of this too. Teresa
No he was not capable of this horrendous crime! Alot will be revealed in due time.
@Terry. Think of all of the “sketchy” circumstances and scrapes that you might have encountered with strangers in your life. Then think about the others: those that you have had with loved ones or intimate partners. How many of “any or all” of them have involved in you having a weapon and using it to defend your life? And how many incidents involved you not fleeing to friends, family or the police after the fact to save yourself and set them on the trail of the perpetrator?
True. Nobody at this point knows what “really” happened that night but the odds are not in Joe’s favor when it comes to statistics. More damning is just simple common sense. Joe deserves his say, for sure.
I dated him too and was not surprised when I googled him in 2017ish? and read that he had murdered his girlfriend
I’ve known Joe for almost 5 years. I talked with him quite a bit over the past months about his relationship with Kelly. He seemed very rational about the relationship. My relationship with him was platonic and i never dated him. However, i felt very safe with him. I know he was excited about his trip to Austin. I’m curious about the cryptic phone call, do you have any more details on that? I also find it hard to believe he could do something like this but the story and the self afflicted wounds leave little to the imagination. There are no excuses for this deadly act but I have questions as we all do as I try to wrap my head around it. Was it one stab? or many? was he drunk (even though ive seen him drink and he has always kept it together).
It’s painful to look at pictures of Kelly, how quick life can come and go… how her friends and family had her and then they didn’t. I spoke with her on the phone once and she was kind and cheerful. I’m sorry to those who knew her and lost her.
I worry about Joe too because I know him as a friend, and the mug shot is horrifying. I know he can’t tell me but i want to ask him what happened. To those that know him have you been able to video conference with him? That is how Travis county inmates are visited, and it can be done from your home. I haven’t done it but I’ve thought about it.
Thank you for your comments… I also am a friend of his certainly do concur with everything you have said. I sent a brief letter to him and dont know if he recieved it or not? Did not know about the video conferencing… I worry about him as well!!
B I have been communicating with Joe alot.. He says he had nothing to do with this horrible accident… He affirms that he is innocent.
SF, get real. You don’t communicate with Joe. OHHHK. Affirmative.
37 stab wounds is hardly any accident.
Joe Karr will definately get his day in court to explain why he brutally stabbed Kelly Turner to death, fled the scene in a stolen car and then slashed his own neck. It is touching that you are worried about him. It must have been very traumatic for him as he looked down and watched her bleed to death. Maybe you could send him a teddy bear.
Well @RK you are not thinking as a lawyer. You do not know what transpired = neither do I. But I do know he did NOT do this. So all you people will believe what the press has reported?
Come on, we as artists & and free thinkers know that there is always a ?
@Terry, I can’t even believe you would say that. I talked to her one of her very good friends in the Bay Area who got a text from Kelly saying that Joe “surprised” her at the airport….he was never invited to meet her family, as the media reported. This friend also heard the story from the friends that Kelly and Joe were staying with in Texas, where she was murdered. That friend pulled his gun out because he heard Kelly screaming, only it was too late, because Joe was there heading up the stairs saying “I can’t believe I killed her.” And yes, while these are “stories”,” the facts are obvious. If he even gets any kind of justice in this, I will be surprised, livid and completely sickened.
Well in my opinion, the facts are NOT obvious… I believe my friend when he states that he is innocent and had no part of this.
He did it. I was married to the man and he is not normal.
@Michelke how long were you married to him? Did you two & your son live in the Bay area together?
Dec 1 2011 to April 2014
Yes we lived in Alameda.
That’s funny. I know someone who thinks she was his girlfriend from 8/12 through at least 2/14 – right in the middle of your marriage to him, Michelle. What a strange man.
Well not a normal man or marriage. He was in and out, tortured me really. He was physical with me to the point at one point I really thought I was going to die. I know the look on his face that Kelly saw right before she died. I feel extraordinarily guilty that I didn’t report him to the police. If I had maybe Kelly would still be alive. I have to live with that.
How many more women are out there? Two so far just on this thread and a woman on another thread said pretty much the same thing.
I corresponded with at least two exes – I dated him so briefly that there wasn’t too much to be an ex to. The stories I heard were worse that the ones I have, volatility and violence seem to be a common thread.
How can we find out more information on his trial, plea, etc?
The hearing was suppose to be held last Monday but I haven’t heard anything. I’ve reached out to my Austin, TX Contacts on Twitter and will reply if I hear anything.
Rob, Joe Karr is in the Travis County Correctional Facility. Court dockets are public. His plea is innocent. From what i have heard there is more to this story. I wish I knew more details.
Terry, Can you send me an email to evilleeye@gmail.com? I want to scrap together a follow up article to this.
Here are a couple of post from Huffington Post article.
Kara Bressie · Founder/Designer at Blowtorch Studio
I know this guy. He was extremely opinionated and quick to anger. He argued repeatedly with me and several of my neighbors about various issues, particularly on issues related to women. Still, we’re stunned that he apparently just went off the deep end. Beautiful woman. What a terrible loss.
Suzy Swett · Denver, Colorado
Liz Hoover is 100% on the money in her reply i believe. I dated him in 1993/4, and later was friends with him in Denver (2006ish) and experienced taking him to meet my psuedo-family in Seattle, and my friends. He would get very uncomfortable, and treat me badly. Him being very quiet at dinner was him being upset ablut something….probably just not being the center of attention. When I heard the story, I immediately believed him capable of doing this terrible crime. I am so sad for this girl.
When I heard this news, I too was shocked and horrified, but frankly, not surprised. I have known him for several years now. I have worked closely with him and with others who have worked with him, and I know a woman he dated seriously.
I felt that he had anger issues, that the quality of his work was becoming progressively worse (cutting corners, shoddy work, not meeting deadlines, etc., with the possible exception of his weaponry, as his swords were beautifully crafted collector’s pieces), and that he was drinking more and more. He made promises to me that he did not keep. In our last business interaction, I felt he was resorting to bullying behavior to cheat me. Totally unprofessional. I cut him off, and frankly, I was scared of him. I was thankful that I had recently moved and that he no longer knew where I lived.
I fear that he was caught in a downward spiral of alcoholism and professional slacking that was difficult to recover from, and that after drinking with Kelly, something in him snapped. I feel terribly sad for Kelly, her friends, and her family, and for all of Joe’s friends, relations, and apprentices as well. But I do feel that was lucky that I distanced myself from him when I did.
David, your comment mirrors my husbands experience with Joe, exactly. He felt the same way, glad that he didn’t know where he lived and was hoping he never saw him again. Then he showed up at dinner one night with Kelly and he found out she was dating him. I’ve never seen that look in my husbands eyes (before or ever again) when he saw that it was Joe—absolute fear and disbelief. He wanted to tell Kelly about him, but he was worried that Joe might find out where we lived. What I’m hearing from all these comments is that there were two different sides to Joe.
Wow slag joe, easy to do now… He is so Innocent & It will all come out! Kelly’s friends should be scared!!
He is Not guilty!
Then who killed her Terry??
Terry, you wrote: “Kelly’s friends should be scared!!” ?
What are you implying, Terry?
Essentially I was implying; which I do know is that Joe is Innocent. “Scared”, because the lies will be dismissed… the truth will come out in due time. I apparently am one of the few that stand behind Joe’s innocence:( It is unfortunate in our society that people believe what the media has published – things aren’t always as they seem.
If Joe didn’t do it, why did he confess and run? The homicide detective told me there was no question he did it, that their investigation only was to determine length of sentence.
Noelle, Did he really confess? Sometimes things are not actually as they seem.
Joe was also a fun guy, a knowledgeable and skilled craftsman, and someone I wanted to do business with in the first place. So I feel very sad for him as well. The whole chain of events is a tragic one all around.
Joe is sorely missed at this time by his family. I am looking forward to future moments we will share. Joe is an individual who is both talented and modest. He is the most important individual in my ;life, I have always had him in my heart. I take him every where I go, he is the wind at my back. He anticipated my birth and boldly expressed to me truth and profound love, I am sure a lot of people were pleased to meet Joe. He returned my phone call promptly in mid September only to reach my voicemail. I was so busy restructuring my life and getting ready to help my friend fight cancer,I just kept going. When I finally listened to the voicemail I was overjoyed to know that his sentiment toward me is unchanging. His words are carefully chosen and his tone reflects the nature of his intent. SURE. Why not, I have something to add to this as follows: Joe is innocent of MURDER WITH INTENTION. I know. Also, I may be out on a limb here AND the value stated is incorrect. Kellys; little friends are liars. I fully understand this generation I engage with on a daily basis, the story about going to meet KELLYS mom is a bold faced LIE. “The side story”. You all know what I am talking about, right? What else did Kelly conspire to do in her hometown? How did Joe become involved with the unspoken part of this story, it does not add up. Okay then you all speak so well for your own self,,have fun kids. I wish you luck.
Your an idiot, the story of Kelly going to meet her mom is no lie, there are pictures of Kelly and joe visit with the family. This is a deep God fearing Christian family. The best most caring people that you could ever meet in your life, and by the way he was sentenced to life today, praise God justice has been served.
Teresa you are a liar! you never contacted your brother. I know. he is now convicted of murder. what did you ever do to help your brother? Nothing!!
I am right here if any of you people need to talk.
Thanks for your insight Teresa. I have Wednesday 4/22 marked down as his trial date. Is this correct? Has he entered a plea yet? Has he declared his innocence to you personally?
Would you like to take over his $22,000 of tax debt I have been saddled with?
“Kelly’s little friends are liars?” You, Teresa, are just about as sick as Joe. How dare you say that!!! You know very little about Joe. At least what he was like around Kelly. While you may be related to him, it’s Kelly’s “little friends” that saw how they interacted and spent time with him more recently than you did. I’d call this case a SLAM DUNK and fully expect the truth to come out when he’s CONVICTED. He deserved to have what’s coming to him (in the showers, in a darkened cell, and in every hole imaginable). Thank God they don’t issue KY jelly in prison! And once he’s done his life sentence, I hope he burns in hell for all eternity.
@Teresa D. Karr I know your bro is Innocent & I have always stood behind him, believed in him. Our friendship goes back 30 yrs. & we chat on the phone almost every week. I would love to talk to you… via email dogbonz@shaw.ca or 778 835 5656
Has the trial started yet? Someone said 4/22.
I looked today and the docket now say’s May 7. I don’t know the justice system good enough to know if it keeps getting pushed back or what!
How can you find out about the court date?
Kelly and I were childhood friends. We both kept in touch through text. We lost contact about 5 Yrs ago. When I found that this happened to her I was so heart broken, that I will never have the chance to speak to her again. I think about her everyday and want to know why this happened to her.
So sorry for your loss Cindy. I have some insight into this. I told the homicide detective to please pass my name on to friends and family of Kelly’s . I am sad when I read some of what people say.
He’s scheduled for a “PTR” (pre-trial conference) on May 7. So his trial has not been set yet. BTW, he’s charged with “Murder Intentionally Cause Death” and “Theft >=$20K<100K" – I guess the latter for stealing the car/truck after the killing. "Murder Intentionally Cause Death" is a first degree felony punishable by 5 years to life in prison. It is not a capital/death penalty offense.
Thank You. I’m trying to gather as much as I can with limited resources. This is helpful.
Yes, thank you.
Do you know what the firefighter Joe Carr was charged with? He received 60 years for the murder of his girlfriend and another 20 years for tampering with evidence. Since the death penalty is off the table it would be nice if he would at least spend his remaining years of life behind bars. My daughter knew Joe Carr and said he seemed like a really nice guy. He probably did seem like a nice normal guy to most people, just like Joe Karr.
Joe Karr was not normal! All I can say is I hope he stays in jail for the rest of his life so that I never have fear running into him again. He is a master manipulator, woman hater and sociopath.
Does anyone know how the pretrial went today?
I agree, he spent hours on end watching the military channel, completely infatuated with weapons. He felt the world owed him. I am sorry Terry Karr he had awful things to say about you, and only seemed to care about his sister Susan.
I feel that your last comment is off-base to say in this public forum, Noelle.
way to be a shit disturber
It’s the truth. Joe Karr is a monster. Isn’t there enough evidence of that?
He is now scheduled for another “PTR” on 6-5-15. Same charges. I have no idea why it keeps getting continued – I presume this is normal. Maybe his attorney is trying to plea bargain? Just guessing. His attorney is listed as Keith Thomas Lauerman, Round Rock Texas, 512-671-3200.
I would love to start updated with his situation.
I also dated Joe and something was definitely off with him. I’ve heard of many women coming forward who he severely beat and emotionally scarred. Women who in the past Did go to the police.
Needless to say I’m beyond shocked.
Severely beat? Really?
Hopefully anyone who has had a history with him will share it with investigators.
I can’t believe *^%# killed her? I think perhaps you don’t know this man as well as you think you do. He came very close to killing me at one time. Terry has anyone ever put their hands around your neck and squeezed until you passed out?
Noelle just read this and my answer is No, I have always had great relationships, guess I`ve been lucky & blessed. Oh gosh, that sounds horrific! Were your drinking, when that happened? i remember he told me he had to pick up a drunken woman off the ground, he was so frustrated with you.
No not drinking at all. It was in the middle of the day. Frustrated with me? Pretty sure it must have just been awful having to live off of a woman and not contribute. Horrible….
Did the same to me!
It seems that this weird dickweed is not only a near-illiterate moron (read anything he wrote) with very strange ideas about how to make a living (or fail to), and with bizarre obsessions about archaic weapons, but also a repeat abuser of women. He will likely die a painful, premature, and unpleasant death in a Texas prison, which is exactly what he earned himself in his self-shortened life of abusing women and behaving like a retard. I hope someone strangles him, slowly, like he tried to do to his “girlfriends.” What a fuckhead. Good riddance.
Presumable he will spend the rest of this life (or close to it) in a Texas prison. Generally, fellow convicts don’t like men who stab pretty young women to death for no good reason. I doubt that his life will be much fun, and if he doesn’t lose it in prison, he’ll be too old to do much harm once he gets out. Good riddance to a selfish, manipulative freak of a man.
We’ll see if it actually happens, but a pretrial is scheduled for Friday 6/5. I provided an update in a new post:
I am pretty sure he will die in prison, either from old age or perhaps he will have a more successful suicide attempt.
Teresa I think you are just as crazy as your brother.
My question is how many wives did he have?
Michelle, he only married you because you were pregnant. He despised you! You were such a pathetic person to him.
That is a shitty thing to say.
Okay, anonymous. You are a thinker! What values do you share with my brother Joe? Perhaps I can accommodate you by beginning and ending my sentence with the word YES. Yes, value means what you do, yes. Teresa.
^ Exhibit A
You are mistaken, I was not pregnant and Joe was very aware of that. He isn’t what you think. It took me a full year to get him to sign divorce papers. Pathetic is someone that can’t even have a bank account because they owe the IRS $70,000.
I like that, you have a price on Joe.
Women are fighting over this guy?
What’s really pathetic is a woman (or man) so crushed out on a freak of a man that she can excuse his attempted strangling of his ex, and the MURDER of his current partner. SF you need big time therapy honey.
Amen to that. There is no way a normal person can make excuses for this monster.
Joe Karr is innocent. I know him the best. I read through the comments and replies, I find it interesting that people need to establish an otherness to qualify estranged relationships. i have plenty to say, my opinions are secondary and i can assure you of highly esteemed motive. Unfortunately, you reveal more of you to whomever it will be received. Mostly you appear to be
peculiar, lacking self awareness enhances the features you so dearly posses.
What value is this? Careful now as I regret and consume the fool. Oh no! you can make of what you will.,I am the fool and I know not fear of death. My brother is alive! For sure guys! I don,t want to intrude,, most likely we do not share values. Good to know of you, I wish you well.
I will help Joe. I love him. He is my brother.
Dear Teresa, I don’t know you or have any desire to be mean to you, but judging form how poor your writing skills are, I’m guessing that you are nearly as stupid as your murderous brother Joe (who is/was an outstandingly ignorant person). You should try to prepare yourself for his lengthy sentence and inevitable death in a Texas prison. God bless.
Good to know that you will help him Teresa. I worry and truly care about him. I know he is strong & resolute! He has always been clear, thoughtful & focused with an admirable strength of character.
I know he is innocent, even though I still do not know the exact details as I stated previously I believe in your brother and his innocence.
This man seems to have had an ability to manipulate and charm a lot of people- while homeless, unemployed, IRS debt, a history of freeloading and abusing women, and murder. He made swords and knives for a living and used one to kill a woman. Sounds like a sociopath, or a psychopath with the murder thing and all. And what’s up with the sister who is posting here? Is she smoking crack? Who talks like that?
I didn’t find anything in the news about an investigation-there doesn’t seem to be any question about his guilt among the people who actually know the facts about what happened.
I think if you didn’t know the man well enough to get a call from the homicide detectives you shouldn’t be declaring his innocence. I spoke to both a homicide defective in Austin as well as another one working on another cold case murder in Denver that Joe is a suspect in.
Another case in Denver? WTF???
Lol, those texas boys are going to have a field day with your alive brother! I wonder hmmmm just a thought but just maybe Kelly has a family member that holds residency at the tdoc. You can help him, you might want to send him some commissary money he might need a new bar of soap.
I have known Joe since about mid-2010 or so, i think. For the most part, I never really picked up on any hostility or troubles in his personality…until he was very frustrated or inebriated. Then there tended to be a very unemotional blankness. I had seen it two or three times and it was enough to make me uncomfortable, but never fear…He would get his wits about it after about 10 minutes or so, and calm back down.
If my memory serves me correctly, I had also met Michelle (earlier posts) a couple times, and am now realizing that the things were not as he said them to be.
Honestly, I have not known what to make of this story, at all. The actions do not match what I knew of him, but that was in a very limited capacity. I was very torn when I read the story. I am not here to give my opinion of him, just what I knew of him…I am very sorry to both families and hope the truth will prevail in the end.
Joe Karr shared a studio warehouse in Denver with several artists, around 8 years ago. Large, open-air partitioned studios with communal metalworking facilities to the outside.
Karr was as skilled as anyone there, and very personable. Most of us were small talk and get your head down.
One of the artists there, a wood worker, who had become acquainted with Karr just through the warehouse itself, in the spirit of things gave him a referral to some clients he knew well personally. The couple then hired Karr to build whatever it was, putting down several thousand dollars in deposit money for materials, with the other several thousand to conclude the deal upon its completion.
Evidently he did something else with the money and began avoiding them, because the woodworker guy, who hadn’t been around for a few weeks, was shocked to receive a phone call from these angry people.
(Karr had been scarce himself – he would leave his dog tied up for several days in that warehouse during the down time of late summer. The guys would arrive there on Monday and there would be the dog, freaking out, piles of dried shit all over the concrete floor everywhere).
When he was eventually able to confront Karr for an explanation at the warehouse, it got heated and ugly.
A couple of days later his pick-up wouldn’t start. He found a hole drilled into his fuel tank. That very week he ended his lease and moved his shit, claiming that as a family man, he wasn’t taking any chances. Karr also knew where he lived, and so on. It was really weird. Karr ended up working out of somewhere else in Denver eventually.
Another artist, who occupied the partitioned studio next door to Karr’s, later found that all of the valuable equipment from his top shelf along the wall that had divided their studios was now missing. At this point we were all really glad that he was long out of there.
A few years ago I ran into a girl that used to date Karr around that time, and when I mentioned him she turned white.
Incidentally, where in Denver did that cold-case stabbing murder occur?
The cold-case murder/stabbing occurred on the 200 block of Santa Fe Drive in Denver. 2007/2008. This is an interesting development. Does anyone know that name of the victim?
Remember that scene from Oh Brother, Wherefore Art Thou:
“you stole from my kin!”
Defending one’s flesh and blood in a forum like this is evidently not to be recommended.
Social media is often mishandled this way: individuals somehow forget that the parity of one-on-one interactions don’t apply in public threads, and they don’t sense the mocking reproach of the crowd, merely because it can’t be seen.
When rational individuals find themselves dealing with a stone cold nut-job, they usually try to wash their hands of them in the hope that they move on to some other unfortunate person.
Nut-jobs know this, and some even use it to carve out livelihoods for themselves, not to mention the unfortunate people they victimize.
John Andrew Chavez
was stabbed to death 3/30/2008 in the 200 block alley between Santa Fe Drive and Inca St., Denver. Joe Karr had been renting a workshop a few blocks up the street around then. No idea why he would have been considered a person of interest, or questioned.
Denver County cold case number:
Perhaps there are other unsolved stabbings in areas he’s lived.
Late in the game, but after reading this thread I feel the need to add a few things…. I know the person that Joe had been crashing with before he left for Austin. I also know the owner of the metal/woodshop he had been “renting” out space from. I have read the journals he left there, he had terrible things to say about Kelly and many of the people around him who considered him a “friend.” He never paid rent and mooched off of many. He owned many illegal weapons and what he had written in his journal’s was horrifying. He was a psycho pretending to be a nice and helpful guy. I was fooled for a short time. The journals were sent to the detectives in Austin as evidence.
Another late entry here. Something to add into the mix regarding character. I hired him to do some fabrication. Gave him a sizable 50% deposit for the work, as requested, and he never delivered. He kept the deposit, and disappeared. He lied repeatedly about future delivery dates, put me off for 6 months, then ultimately dodged all correspondence. I would have pursued the money more aggressively, but he could be very intimidating- weapons and all, you know. The risk wasn’t worth it to me, so I moved on.
I have the feeling that this case is going to end up as a Dateline or 48 Hours episode – which would be great as that level of attention would gather all of these great comments and histories together to form a story. Perhaps the answer to, “What exactly happened?”
On the one year anniversary of her death, my thoughts go out to Kelly Turner and her family. I cannot imagine their pain and suffering.
I dated him in 1992/3 when I lived in CA and we’re friends when he moved to Denver in 2005(?). I have no doubt he is guilty.
When does the monster go to trial?
The hearing is on 12/17. We’ll know more then.
No plea was entered at today’s Travis County hearing but the judge set a tentative March 28th trial date.
Joe is quick to anger. If one is lucky, that anger is not against you.
For those on this thread, I have posted an update to this story including Joe’s plea and Trial Date:
If you have any additional information that might be useful in a follow up story, please share here or email me at:com
The trial began today, for anyone interested.
I have read all the comments and most of them paint a picture of the textbook Sociopath I believe Joe Karr to be.
Kelly was a beautiful, vivacious, lover of life and adventurous soul. Having majored in Psychology, her only fault was wanting to see and believe the best in people, and she had unyielding empathy. Joe wasn’t the first wounded bird she dated, but she was clearly in over her head with him and ignored the red flags and lost her life as a result. Joe was way out of his league with Kelly. Once she saw through the artsy bohemian facade he portrayed and saw him for the cowardly dirtbag he is, she started pulling away. He realized this and his ego could not deal with the rejection or loss of control over her and he lashed out in the most heinous and horrific of ways.
For those of you NOT in the courtroom yesterday, Kelly was stabbed by Joe Karr 37 times.. The first responders to the crime scene, Texas Police, were choking up on the stand…Let this sink in a minute as you also consider the fact that this man plead not guilty and is going to take the stand in front of her family and friends tomorrow and LIE about what really happened because he only cares about himself. He’s had over a year to sit and think of that night and the loss of life he caused, and yet perpetuating everyone’s pain and suffering by telling some outlandish lie tomorrow is the best his character can produce. He’s a sad, pathetic, soul who can now rot in prison instead of possibly receiving forgiveness.
I don’t believe in the death penalty but I do believe that life in a Texas prison is what Joe Karr rightfully deserves.
Thank you for sharing this valuable information. I have shared the Statesman link on the site as this is the best information available and there are many in our community that are keeping close tabs on this story. If you have any additional information from today, please provide in this comment section or email us directly at rob-at-evilleeye-dot-com or use our contact form.
I also hope to hear he is going to die in jail. He is a Monster, the lowest form a human being can possibly be. A liar, a Con, he has never loved another person in his entire life.
I’m so sorry for your loss, I know this can’t be easy for you, I hope you can find some closure and peace Inot knowing that justice was served..
Found guilty
How did you find out?
It was on the Austin news this morning. Now for the sentencing, hopefully life.
He got life. Possibility of parole in 30 years. May he die in prison!
He most certainly will!
I dated Joe years and years ago once. It goes down in my personal history as one of the worst dates ever. Does that make him guilty? No.
My opinion of him after one date was,”stay the fuck away from that guy he’s totally a sociopath,”and I have.
Now I know you are thinking one date?… But I knew the guy for maybe five years first and had danced with him and talked to him many times. He was always quiet and reserved.
On that date he was a totally different person. Cocky. Entitled and very pushy. His look of acid when I turned down a second date and a kiss chilled me to the bone.
I know several women who dated him once or twice or four times and they have all had the same reaction as I did,all over my Facebook feed at the time I saw,
” Oh my god that could have been me” but it wasn’t because we all clued in to that red flag early enough.
I’m truly sorry for the victim and her family.
Joseph F. Karr
Offender Information Details
Maximum Sentence Date:
Current Facility:
Projected Release Date:
Parole Eligibility Date:
Offender Visitation Eligible:
Beeville, TX
2,711 INMATES (c. 2013)
Many of the prisoners (c. 2001) are Hispanic and Latino since the prison is in the South Texas region.
Going Up the River; Travels in a Prison Nation (2001)
The convicts at the McConnell Unit are among the most hardened in the Texas prison system. “Most of our inmates are doing over forty-five years,” says Rodeen. “A lot are doing life.”
In Texas prisons they still do things much as they have for a hundred years. Many of the “units,” as the prisons here are known, are run as large penal farms—plantations essentially, some spanning more than ten thousand acres—and the farms grow or raise most everything, from hogs to jalape’os. The crops are tended by inmates, who work the fields under armed guards on horseback, trailed by a pack of hounds (in case a convict tries to escape).
At the McConnell Unit, it costs just $43 a day to keep a convict—a figure that makes the warden proud. (c. 2001)
There are 2,806 inmates at the McConnell Unit (c. 2001), 504 of whom are currently isolated in an area known as administrative segregation, or ad seg…Theoretically, ad seg is not intended as punishment. Texas inmates are placed in here not because they have done something wrong, but “for the purposes of maintaining safety, security, and order” in the prison. In lay terms, they are put here to protect themselves or others from harm. And in Texas, apparently, inmates need a great deal of protecting… But it is hard to imagine life in ad seg as anything but punishment. There are three levels of ad seg in Texas, and most newcomers spend at least ninety days in level 3, the most restrictive… But in ad seg good behavior is rare. Many of the inmates are mentally disturbed. Some are called “frequent fliers” because they attempt suicide so often. Others are called “chunkers” because they pelt guards with their feces. The penalties for chunking can be severe. Inmates are stripped and dressed in paper gowns. Their regular meals may be withheld for seven days. Instead, each day’s meal is mixed together, baked, and served to the inmate as a “food loaf.”
In 1999, a federal judge found the ad seg units in Texas to be “virtual incubators of psychoses.” They inflicted such cruel and unusual punishment, he held, that confinement in them violated the Constitution.
In the McConnell Unit the ad seg area contains a guardroom, and inside is a wall chart. The chart lists the occupant of each of the unit’s 504 cells. The cells are arranged in pods, which are labeled alphabetically: A Pod, B Pod, and so on. The chart is color coded to show each inmate’s race and gang affiliation. Since virtually all the inmates are gang members, and since virtually all gang membership is based on race, the inmates are, in effect, segregated: whites with whites, Hispanics with Hispanics, blacks with blacks. Since Beeville is in South Texas, many of the men here are of Mexican descent, virtually all of them members of the Mexican Mafia, or EME.
The ad seg unit, Rodeen says, has been called the most dangerous in the state. Every day, his officers report ten to twelve assaults.
In 2013, in federal court, 14 prison guards at McConnell and 11 other individuals pleaded guilty to operating a smuggling ring in the prison.
TDCJ Negligence Alleged, 2007
Texas Department of Criminal Justice’s “negligence at the McConnell facility has been implicated in at least 16 other deaths – including six cases of death by hanging.
Joseph F. Karr
Offender Information Details
Maximum Sentence Date:
Current Facility:
Projected Release Date:
Parole Eligibility Date:
Offender Visitation Eligible:
Mcconnell Unit, Beeville, TX
2711 INMATES (c. 2013)
Many of the prisoners (c.2001) were Hispanic and Latino since the prison is in the South Texas region.
BOOK: Going Up the River; Travels in a Prison Nation (2001)
The convicts at the McConnell Unit are among the most hardened in the Texas prison system. “Most of our inmates are doing over forty-five years,” says Rodeen. “A lot are doing life.”
In Texas prisons they still do things much as they have for a hundred years. Many of the “units,” as the prisons here are known, are run as large penal farms—plantations essentially, some spanning more than ten thousand acres—and the farms grow or raise most everything, from hogs to jalape’os. The crops are tended by inmates, who work the fields under armed guards on horseback, trailed by a pack of hounds (in case a convict tries to escape).
At the McConnell Unit, it costs just $43 a day to keep a convict—a figure that makes the warden proud. (c. 2001)
There are 2,806 inmates at the McConnell Unit (c. 2001), 504 of whom are currently isolated in an area known as administrative segregation, or ad seg…Theoretically, ad seg is not intended as punishment. Texas inmates are placed in here not because they have done something wrong, but “for the purposes of maintaining safety, security, and order” in the prison. In lay terms, they are put here to protect themselves or others from harm. And in Texas, apparently, inmates need a great deal of protecting… But it is hard to imagine life in ad seg as anything but punishment. There are three levels of ad seg in Texas, and most newcomers spend at least ninety days in level 3, the most restrictive… But in ad seg good behavior is rare. Many of the inmates are mentally disturbed. Some are called “frequent fliers” because they attempt suicide so often. Others are called “chunkers” because they pelt guards with their feces. The penalties for chunking can be severe. Inmates are stripped and dressed in paper gowns. Their regular meals may be withheld for seven days. Instead, each day’s meal is mixed together, baked, and served to the inmate as a “food loaf.”
In 1999, a federal judge found the ad seg units in Texas to be “virtual incubators of psychoses.”6 They inflicted such cruel and unusual punishment, he held, that confinement in them violated the Constitution.
In the McConnell Unit the ad seg area contains a guardroom, and inside is a wall chart. The chart lists the occupant of each of the unit’s 504 cells. The cells are arranged in pods, which are labeled alphabetically: A Pod, B Pod, and so on. The chart is color coded to show each inmate’s race and gang affiliation. Since virtually all the inmates are gang members, and since virtually all gang membership is based on race, the inmates are, in effect, segregated: whites with whites, Hispanics with Hispanics, blacks with blacks. Since Beeville is in South Texas, many of the men here are of Mexican descent, virtually all of them members of the Mexican Mafia, or EME.
The ad seg unit, Rodeen says, has been called the most dangerous in the state. Every day, his officers report ten to twelve assaults.
In 2013, in federal court, 14 prison guards at McConnell and 11 other individuals pleaded guilty to operating a smuggling ring in the prison.
TDCJ Negligence Alleged, 2007
Texas Department of Criminal Justice’s “negligence at the McConnell facility has been implicated in at least 16 other deaths – including six cases of death by hanging. In May 2003, 40-year-old inmate Darrel Wafer died of hyperthermia because a nurse and guards failed to pull him out of a shower after he collapsed there. The water temperature had climbed to 190 degrees – Wafer literally “cooked to death,” Medlock said. Indeed, Wafer’s body temperature at death was at least 107.9 (an accurate reading wasn’t possible since the thermometer topped out at 107.9).
Another late poster speaking on Joe’s character. I know Joe very well and When I try to imagine Joe murdering Kelly, I can’t. I had a great relationship with him. He was light hearted, silly, fun, and youthful. He was a good person. I just really can’t imagine or picture him doing it. I do believe that he royally fucked over some business partners and had some money problems, but that doesn’t translate into “killer” for me, especially when it comes to the Joe I know. The Joe that spend many christmas with me. But… When I read all of the articals over and I imagine it was someone I didn’t know, someone whose not Joe, i believe that that man could be guilty. Could be is the key word , and Yes I know he’s be convicted, but I’ve also served as a Juror on a 4 month long murder trial and after that experience I don’t really believe in our judicial systems to be fair. It’s hard for me to say Joe is guilty because I couldn’t possibly imagine it. But it’s difficult to believe that person in those articles is innocent. I hope I don’t sound like one of those crazy people posting above me.
I also just wanted to add that some of the people above attacking Teresa are so mean and vicious I wouldnt be surprised if you were a sociopath murderer. Keep in mind she lost someone too, and although that may have been Joe’s fault it wasn’t Teresas fault. My heart goes out to both families.
Yes you sound crazy. First off Joe Karr admitted in court in front of a jury that yes indeed he killed Kelly. He said quote “I did what I had to do”, he claimed he needed to stab a 119 pound woman 37 times in self defense. He sounded like a mad man on the stand and it took a jury less than 45 minutes to convict him of life in prison.
Second, no one, not one single person attended this trial on Joe’s behalf. Theresa was not there for him.
Third, I find it extremely cruel to Kelly’s friends and family to be defending him at this point. They went through hell.
I am sorry but you were conned by him, just like Kelly.
And you sound like a bitch. I’ve spoken with Joe’s family and they just simply couldn’t afford to go to Texas, So dont make assumptions. I wasn’t conned by Joe, i just had a different experience with him that spanned over 20 years. I find it extremely cruel for you to be sending such hateful ignorant messages. I said nothing cruel about Kelly or her family, but i refuse to sit back while you make assumptions about a persons character that you have obviously not met. And of course the people who have something to say about Joe are the people who dont like him, its like a Yelp review… most people only review when they have something bad to say.
Well you should thank your lucky stars you didn’t have the same experience as Kelly had with Joe.
How can you call someone a Bitch that is just stating facts?
1. He confessed
2. He stabbed her 37 times in self defense
3. Deliberations were shockingly short
4. No one was there for him
Sorry Anonymous I agree with Pro Joe!
I too have known Joe for over 30 yrs and still have a super great honest relationship with him. He did not murder Kelly. The case was flawed, what the jury heard or did not hear was indeed biased. Medical files were misplaced and not presented, his court appointed attorney was reticent in his representation.
Joe did not receive a fair trial.
Statistically thousands of innocent people in America are wrongfully convicted. Unfortunately it is the poor, minorities, that don’t have the money to hire adequate legal representation to thoroughly present their case.
Its simply not right to slander his family either as they are truly his support system; this I do know!
Two of his friends from SF were in the court room that day so you are wrong in that statement.
His friends will continue to stand by his side because we do know that he is innocent.
We also are saddened by the loss of life of such a beautiful woman and so sorry for her family & friends.
the whole thing is such a tragic loss:( for both families.
No one that truly knows Joe was ever conned by him, that is just ridiculous.
I guess your friends at the trial forgot to tell you he confessed on the stand …
No I have heard that Kelly was attacking him with a knife after he tried to control her from causing harm to herself. He said quote, I did what I needed to do, because poor Kelly was out of control with a knife and stabbing herself a multitude of times. She swung the knife & cut Joe’s throat several times & he was bleeding profusely.
Then confronted with a gun by Michael Hammond Joe did what anyone would do &
he ran and lost a pint of blood because of her knife slashing. The hospital can attest to this disclosure. There are medical records that affirm he did not do this to himself.
Maybe she drank too much that night or was on some kind of mind altering drugs, maybe someone slipped something into her drink?
She was in a weird head space that night, she grabbed a knife?
Again, I am sorry to say this but this is what our new attorney has discovered by various witness accounts of the night in question. There most definitely will be an appeal.
I called you a bitch because you’re a judgemental bitch. Passing judgement on his family, passing judgement on Joe, calling me crazy. Being an overall negative, close minded, one sided thinker. You talked about cruel comments earlier and you must have been talking about yourself. Because my original post was anything but cruel it was the truth, my honest to God experience and feelings about Joe. I cannot wrap my head around the idea that I man I know so closely killed her in cold blood without reason. And like i said before i was a juror on a murder trail and there is TONS of information that is left out during the trial. Information that in my case when we found out later would have changed alot of our votes. Also the trial was in Texas…. does anyone really trust the court systems in Texas? You’re a hypocrite to say it’s cruel to speak highly of Joe and then you turn around and trash him and his family. You’re worried it will hurt Kelly’s family to see people talk about Joe? And yet a bunch of people here are bashing Joe and harassing his family, but you don’t care that that might hurt Joe’s family? They are also innocent victims in this tragedy, who have lost someone. You’re selfish and 100% wrong. You believe what someone has told you is a “fact” but just because they say it’s a “fact” that doesn’t mean it’s the truth.
To: Pro Joe, Good comment:) I am and will always support Joe. He is to me too as you described him – a kind, lighthearted, sincere human being. In the past couple of yrs since he has been incarcerated i have spoken with him probably 100 times & we also write emails. I am not crazy, and i am not calling anyone a bitch for disagreeing or for stating Joe’s true character.
i do know a lot but certainly cannot disclose evidence on this post. Thanks for speaking the truth about Joe:)
Thank you Terry for always sticking by Joe’s side since day one.
Terry, Sounds like the appeal didn’t go so well…..
Joe’s appeal was based on photos that were submitted showing him with the swords that he made, which he felt could have influenced the jury. Basically he was laughed out of court.
“the pictures themselves are relatively innocuous in light of the nature of the crime and other evidence presented, including photos of the crime scene.”
Please pay particular attention to the final page of the appeal, before the concluson, second paragraph, which states:
“There was overwhelming evidence to support the jury’s finding of guilt. At trial, Dr Katherine Callahan, the Deputy Medical Examiner for the Travis County Medical Examiner’s Office, testified that Turner had sustained 37 wounds, a combination of incised wounds, and stab wounds. Callahan’s testimony, along with her report which was admitted into evidence, established that Turner had sustained 5 stab wounds in her back torso along with numerous stab wounds in her chest, abdomen, and hand. Dr. Callahan characterized the injuries on Turner’s hands and fingers as “defensive wounds” sustained by the victim in defending herself from the weapon. Given the evidence of the injuries sustained by Turner, the testimony presented by Darling and Hammond concerning the events of the night of Turner’s death and the testimony of various law enforcement officers involved in Karr’s apprehension, we conclude that the photos could not have substantially influenced the jury or were only of slight effect. Consequently any error committed by the trial court in admitting the photos was harmless.
For these reasons, we affirm the judgment of conviction.
Sounds like Joe is right where he needs to be…..
R.I.P Kelly
I am DISGUSTED that Terry Webb could suggest that Kelly stabbed herself 37 times and killed herself. Of all the horrible things written here in the comments, that is the most despicable.
My husband shared a metal arts studio with Joe for over a year. We socialized with him and welcomed him into our lives and home. We were very charmed by Joe in the beginning, and then the cracks began to appear. Joe stole clients, he misrepresented himself as my husbands partner, he beat his dog. We believe that Joe is a Sociopath, and that we dodged a stabbing. We were devastated to learn of this tragedy and only felt comfortable making a comment when we knew that Joe would never again be in a position to hurt us.
Joe’s behavior was alarming, especially when he was drunk. He was clearly scamming clients and desperate for money. At the time, I felt rather sorry for him—he seemed more desperate then malicious. But a big red flag was the way he treated his dog: it seemed to me he was rather cruel towards Scout and I was baffled by it (the dog was such a sweet animal after all), and I know Joe was getting into some trouble with other people who complained he was abusing the animal. We even argued about it and that did not go well. It seemed silly that I could stop being friends with someone just because of the way they treated their dog, but I decided not to stick around to find out how he treated people too. Last I ever heard from Joe, he wrote to tell me the dog died. He should have been reported to the ASPCA, but then, I no longer knew where he was even living. The whole thing is so haunting. I so clearly remember some good things about Joe, a few happy memories. But I agree he was/is a sociopath and a compulsive liar (it was always so easy to know when he was lying), as well as someone I pitied for his desperation and despair. And I totally believe that Joe found himself drunk and angry enough to do this terrible thing to beautiful Kelly. My only consolation is my belief that alcohol is a key to understanding how that moment escalated to such horrifying insanity.
Wow. I can’t imagine how many people he abused. 2 murders and counting..
The evidence shows that Joe Karr is a despicable murderer. He stole the life of a beautiful vivacious woman who made the mistake of believing that he was a human being and not the animal he actually was. He will live caged like an animal for the rest of his pitiful life. Anyone who defends this man is just as sick as he is.
When he lived in Denver our nickname for him was Crazy Joe Devola…prescient I guess
i was probably Joe’s first victim. I met him after an Elvis Costello concert in Chicago around 1981 or 2. He broke my nose, punched me, broke the windshield of my car and tore the handrail of of the wall of my 80 year old apartment building. I have witnesses to all of these events. He had to be escorted out of my life by a bunch of Italian guys from Melrose Park. He never came back. I wish I would have done something legal then. Maybe people wouldn’t have been harmed especially the beautiful women he murdered. He was and I am sure still is a psycho. I visited his family in Springfield Illinois. I also met his dad a few times. The family was sad. I am sure his mother was abused. I would happily speak to anyone about him and what I experienced.
Thank you for sharing your story here, Anonymous. I think it’s important for all of us to learn to read the signs—when they show themselves—of a potentially dangerous person. I’m learning here that such a person leaves a trail behind them, and that someone who scares others to that degree can successfully keep people silent about their crimes through threats, fear, and intimidation.
I feel fortunate that I cut him off when I did—but I also feel that I should have sensed the problem earlier, and not have entered into such a relationship in the first place. Whether or not such a person is a Blue Beard and a monster beyond help or treatment from the start—or whether, if helped earlier, he may have become more empathetic and responsible, I cannot say. How does one know that they’re sociopathic, and what does one do when realizes this about themselves? We might hope that they could change their ways, their point of view, and realize their crimes as such. We can certainly watch, listen closely, and learn from this narrative, so that such a tragedy does not happen to ourselves and the ones we love in the future.
Let this page be a cautionary tale for us all.
Thank you, Rob Arias & the E’eye, for giving us this opportunity to share our grief, offer condolences, collect more narrative evidence, and ponder in community how someone who we thought we knew could surprise us in the most terrifying way.
Thanks Dave, this is very much appreciated. I got sucked into this story personally and glad I could provide an outlet and forum for others. Obviously, we all wish we could have exposed this guy earlier and a life could have been saved.
Joe’s appeal didn’t go anywhere.
I dated Joe just before he got with Kelly. I feel so lucky to have gotten away from him.
I got weirded out by him on our first date to the dog beach. Let’s just say he choked my dog out and was very aggressive in trying to control my dog. I stopped dating him bc I felt something was off.
Kelly was so beautiful and innocent. I hope Joe is getting Ass raped in prison every single damn day of his life -that animal abusing lady beating killer. Rot in prison Joe !
[…] drama that unfolded in the comment thread of this news site is unprecedented (131 comments and counting) and could serve as fodder for an episode of […]
Knew him. Briefly!