A confused driver somehow ended up on the South Bayfront Pedestrian bridge over the weekend. Photos sent to us on Saturday afternoon show several bystanders, including family bikers and mall security, surrounding a grey sedan.
“An elderly driver drove her vehicle up the bike ramp and got stuck,” provided Emeryville Police Department PIO Baylee Worthen noting the EPD responded after the situation was rectified. “A good samaritan assisted the driver in getting her car off the ramp.”

Fortunately, there were no injuries according to the EPD. The vehicle sustained moderate to major damage and the ramp and bridge were undamaged.
It is presumed that the driver entered the ramp on the second floor of the Bay Street parking garage on the western side of the bridge. Although narrow, a smaller vehicle could fit through and drive on to the ramp.
The vehicle apparently got stuck making the 180˚ hairpin turn around the ramp to the bridge.

The newly constructed bridge offers convenient access across the railroad tracks to and from the shopping center but is intended exclusively for pedestrians and cyclists.
Many commenters indicating that this entry point may need a bollard installed and better signage to prevent this from happening again.
It is unknown if the driver was cited but typically elderly drivers, or anyone showing any type of inability to safely drive, will be issued a “re-cert” where their license is immediately temporarily revoked.
The driver is required to go to DMV and retest to ensure their vision and cognitive skills are sufficient before their driver’s license is restored.
Bay Area driving never ceases to amaze.