City of Emeryville May 2018 Highlights: Homeless Services, Tanium Signs, Facade Grants Awards

June 21, 2018
4 mins read

The City of Emeryville provides a monthly progress report outlining significant developments and milestones that occurred throughout the period. Among the highlights for the two council meetings conducted during the month of May include the discussion and adoption of expanded services for the Homeless. Council voted to expand a variety of resources that amount to an increase from $80,000 to $305,000 for the fiscal year 2018-19.

Please note that the summaries provided below are taken directly from the text of these reports.

May Highlights of The Month

The City Council honored several Emeryville businesses with proclamations in recognition of Small Business Month.

The Council approved five façade improvement grants totaling $200,000, the first such grants since the demise of Redevelopment.

The Council adopted an updated Homeless Strategy, and approved a total of $305,000 in funding for homeless services, a substantial increase over previous years.

A final certificate of occupancy for Public Market Parcel C1, the grocery store and parking structure, was issued on May 7, completing the first building since City Center Realty Partners acquired the Public Market project.

The first quarterly networking event of the City’s new “Emeryville Biz Nexus” program was held on May 23, attended by over 50 businesses.

A grand opening ceremony for the Powell to Stanford segment of the Emeryville Greenway and the official unveiling of the mural “Ascend” were held on May 10 to coincide with Bike to Work Day, with over 80 community members in attendance.

The Draft Parking Management Plan and alternatives were presented to the Budget Committee on May 3, to the Economic Development Advisory Committee on May 16, and to the Planning Commission at a study session on May 17. A City Council study session is scheduled for June 19.

A “listening session” for the Art Center was held on May 22, at which about 40 members of the public told the three “short listed” development teams about their “needs” and “wants” for the project.

On May 1, the State Department of Finance released its official population estimates; according to DOF, Emeryville’s population, as of January 1, 2018, is 11,994.

May was Bike to Work month, and once again City staff participated in the Bay Area Team Bike Challenge, with 12 members on two teams pedaling a total of 1,821 miles

View the entire progress report on →

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May 1st Council Meeting

Small Business Month

The Mayor, on behalf of the City Council, issued a proclamation proclaiming May as Small Business Month in the City of Emeryville, and then presented a series of proclamations recognizing several notable Emeryville small businesses. These honorees included Arizmendi Bakery, CCD Innovation, suitX, Yuzu Ramen, and the Bank Club Café, including the family of Andreas (Andy) Nikitaras, who passed away recently.

The discussion for this item can be viewed above at [20:20].

Affordable Housing Week

The Mayor, on behalf of the City Council, issued a proclamation recognizing the week of May 10 to May 20, 2018 as the 22nd Annual East Bay Affordable Housing Week: “Building Communities, Building Power”. East Bay Housing Organizations has organized Affordable Housing Week for 22 years, and the 2018 edition features 15 events around the East Bay acknowledging the need for, and benefits of, affordable housing.

The discussion for this item can be viewed above at [52:04].

Avalon Bay Public Market Noise Waiver

The City Council considered a request for a waiver from the Noise Ordinance from AvalonBay Communities for construction work on all Saturdays from May 5, 2018 to May 18, 2019 (except May 26, 2018, November 24, 2018, and December 22, 2018) at the Public Market Project (Parcel C2 and parcel D) at 6251 and 6301 Shellmound Street. The staff recommendation was to deny the request, and, after taking public testimony from a number of neighbors who opposed the noise waiver, the Council voted unanimously to deny it.

The discussion for this item can be viewed above at [1:09:41].

Façade Improvement Grant Program Awards

The City Council affirmed the recommendation of the Economic Development Advisory Committee to award $200,000 in façade improvement grants to five applicants. The awardees were selected after a competitive application process, for which the City received eleven applications. The awardees include the Park Business Center Property Owner’s Association and owners of two units in the Park Business Center, all for seismic upgrades; the Andante mixed-use projects owner’s association, for landscaping, lighting and signage upgrades; and Fantasy Junction, for masonry repair, paint, landscaping and signage. Staff will work to execute grant agreements with the awardees over the coming weeks. Given that the five awardees were all within a few blocks of each other, the Council directed that geographical diversity be considered in future awards.

The discussion for this item can be viewed above at [1:36:45].

Tanium Signs

Following the Community Development Director’s report on actions taken by the Planning Commission at the April 26, 2018 meeting, the Council discussed whether to call for review (i.e. appeal), the Commission’s approval of a Major Sign Permit for two high-rise identification signs at 2100 Powell Street. After lengthy discussion, the Council ultimately decided not to appeal the item.

The discussion for this item can be viewed above at [2:12:32].

Download the Agenda for the March 6th Council Meeting →

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May 15th Council Meeting

Clif Bar Noise Waiver

The Council considered a noise waiver request for work to be done outside of the permitted construction hours of weekdays between 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Clif Bar offices at 1400 65th Street. The request included nine weekdays of morning and evening work inside the building, and one Saturday of work to facilitate a crane pick to install roof-top equipment. The weekday work was requested so that building egress could be maintained for employees during normal business hours, and the Saturday work was requested to minimize traffic and parking impacts. Two members of the public spoke raising concerns about the requested noise waiver. After questioning the applicant about how the conditions of approval would be adhered to, the Council unanimously approved the noise waiver request.

The discussion for this item can be viewed above at [34:05].

Homeless Services

Following a presentation from staff and a representative of the Berkeley Food and Housing Project (BFHP), the City Council unanimously adopted four resolutions relating to homelessness issues. First, the updated Emeryville Homeless Strategy was adopted, reflecting current needs and changing circumstances in providing services to people experiencing homelessness. The updated strategy includes more specific actions in support of the General Plan Housing Element’s goals to reduce homelessness. Second, the Council authorized execution of a $265,000 Professional Services Agreement with BFHP for fiscal year 2018-19 to continue providing case management services to people experiencing homelessness, including a full-time staff person in Emeryville, as well as to administer funds for rapid rehousing and establish an emerging needs fund. Third, the Council authorized a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the City of Oakland for $25,000 to fund the North Alameda County Family Front Door, which is the single point of entry for families experiencing homelessness in northern Alameda County. Finally, the Council authorized an MOU with the City of Oakland for $15,000 to fund the winter shelter for fiscal year 2018-2019. Combined, these actions represent a substantial increase in resources that the City provides to assist people experiencing homelessness, from $80,000 in fiscal year 2017-18 to $305,000 in fiscal year 2018-19.

The discussion for this item can be viewed above at [57:01].

Download the Agenda for the March 6th Council Meeting →

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The City of Emeryville

This story is a summary of an official City of Emeryville published document or meeting. We occasionally use AI summarization tools to extract key points of long documents and meetings to ensure they are interpreted in an objective manner.


  1. I’ve lived in Emeryville for the last 21 years and I am very proud of everything they are doing to help the homeless. Thank you

    • Sounds like you’ve never ventured over to the back of Home Depot. You should go take a look; maybe that pride will be short-lived.

      • The area behind Home Depot is actually in Oakland, right near the border for Emeryville. Oakland, however, has elected not to move on it for whatever reason, and has more than once said it was Emeryville’s problem. It’s become a jurisdictional nightmare, with CalTrans stepping in only when it spills over and threatens traffic, yet the encampments are back in force literally an hour or two after CalTrans leaves the area.

  2. Really appalling how, instead of working together to address the hazardous encampment behind Home Depot, Emeryville and Oakland city councils choose to do nothing, and the Affordable Housing measure will do next to nothing to resolve this either. Most Emeryville residents are fine with this blight, however, and will continue to vote in politicians who enable it. Reap what you sow.

    • I can’t wait to leave. Living in E’ville has been such a lesson for me. I used to think Republicans were being hyperbolic when they would say that liberals love poverty and crime, but it is true! So much “pride” in paying higher taxes to not help anyone except developers, meanwhile people are exploding things in the street and there are needles and piles of feces that make it untenable and unsafe for everyone. And those of us that would like to ride our bike or walk our dogs or children, we’ll better smile and give up on those things because we need to be “compassionate” for the people that need to use the street for a barhroom and shoot up spot instead.

      • Yes, once me and the crime reporter are gone it will just be fine, all roses and sunny days for you. Since I guess you don’t know any of the employees at Target that suffered throgh the armed take over or have any friends in the area (or you’d have to listen to their stories about their bikes getting stolen and cars broken into) and don’t live near the explosions or the parking lot shootings and must not ever walk anywhere, and don’t bother to ask the local police how it’s going for them, it will be all gravy for you since I’m sure I’m the only person you’ll ever come into contact with that cares about health and safety of the community. And since I’m sure you don’t own a home here you won’t have to worry about declining property value or higher maintenaince costs. Maybe you can move in to the new “artist” housing. I bet that’s all going to work out well for you.

    • Thank you Sarah for verbalizing what many residents are too timid to say. We need more outspoken dissenters like you with the courage to stand up to our local politicians. Now go say it to their face!

  3. I can’t wait to for the ribbon cutting ceremony for the 50 or so brand new affordable units built with the $50 million bond issue…you know the one that promised 500 units. Way to go Emeryville, you know how to do things really well. You’ll still have to step over the feces, the needles, the broken glass, and bicycle parts to enjoy the moment.

  4. The homeless problem is unsolvable demand side. You can throw $50 or $500 or $5000M at the issue and the folks making bad life choices will continue making more homeless.

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