The City of Emeryville provides a monthly progress report outlining significant developments and milestones that occurred throughout the period. Among these highlights for June from meetings conducted on June 6th, 13th and 20th. Please note that the summaries provided are taken directly from the text of these reports.
June Highlights of the Month:
The City Council approved a contract with The Labor Compliance Managers, completing the consultant team for implementation and enforcement of the Fair Workweek Ordinance and other labor standards. A “soft roll-out” of the ordinance will start July 1, with the imposition of fines for violations deferred until after January 1, 2018.
The Council reappointed Gail Donaldson and appointed Miguel Guerrero to the Planning Commission.
The Planning Commission approved a two-year extension of the Anton Evolve residential project at 6701 Shellmound Street (“Nady Site”), until March 24, 2019.
A team led by CD+A has been selected to develop a concept plan to improve conditions for transit passengers and cyclists at the 40th/San Pablo Transit Hub and on adjacent parts of 40th Street. A contract will be presented to the City Council for approval in September.
In fiscal year 2016-17, which ended in June, the Building Division issued 835 building permits and collected $10.7 million in fees for projects valued at a total of over $236 million, by far the highest annual construction valuation on record.
Financing closed escrow on June 20 and a building permit was issued on June 21 for the 3706 San Pablo Avenue affordable housing project, marking major milestones for the project.
Demolition and building permits were finally issued in June for the long-stalled two-unit residential project at 1258 Ocean Avenue.
On June 15, staff was informed that the Rotten City – Emeryville Cultural District was invited to submit a full final application for district designation to the California Arts Council.
An “award of merit” from the American Planning Association California Northern Section for the Emeryville Greenway was presented to staff and consultants at an awards dinner on June 2.
On June 22, the Mayor and staff hosted a delegation of South African government officials to discuss Emeryville’s history and transformation over the past 20 years.
June 6th Council Meeting:
Budget (Special Study Session)
The City Council held a workshop and discussed the budget for fiscal years 2017-18 and 2018-19 and five-year projections for fiscal years 2016-17 to 2020-21.
The discussion for this item can be viewed above at [01:30].
3706 San Pablo Avenue (Consent Item)
The Council approved a $112,800 construction management contract with Robert G. Haun to represent the City during construction of the affordable housing project at 3706 San Pablo Avenue, and authorized the execution of a standard agreement with the State for the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (“cap-and-trade”) Grant Program.
Fair Workweek (Action Item)
The Council received an update on implementation of the Fair Workweek Ordinance and approved a $150,336 contract with The Labor Compliance Managers for enforcement and administration of the Ordinance. The Council requested an updated timeline to provide a public comment period on the draft implementing regulations for the ordinance and a “soft roll out” enforcement period, as discussed further below.
The discussion for this item can be viewed above at [02:34:54].
The Agenda for the June 6th meeting can be viewed here →
June 13 Special Meeting (No Video):
Teleconferencing (Action Item)
At a special meeting, the Council approved a policy allowing Council members to participate remotely in City Council meetings through teleconferencing.
The Agenda for the June 13th meeting can be viewed here →
June 20th Council Meeting:
Budget (Special Study Session)
The Council held a budget workshop, receiving a report on potential revenue sources and reviewing a list of potential budget reductions identified by staff. The Council directed that a revised list of budget reductions be prepared that did not include elimination of the Child Development Center or contracting out for Police dispatch services.
The discussion for this item can be viewed above at [04:23].
Planning Commission Appointments (Action Item)
The Council considered appointments to the Planning Commission to fill the seats of Gail Donaldson and Lawrence C. (“Buzz”) Cardoza, whose terms expired on June 30. The Council reappointed Commissioner Donaldson, and appointed Miguel Guerrero, who is a member of the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee, to the Commission. The Council did not reappoint Commissioner Cardoza, so his last Planning Commission meeting was June 22. Commissioner Guerrero will be sworn in at the July 27 Commission meeting.
The discussion for this item can be viewed above at [28:43].
Local Streets and Roads Program (Consent Item)
The Council approved an application to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) for funding from the One Bay Area Grant 2 (OBAG 2) Local Streets and Roads Program, committing any necessary matching funds, and assuring completion of the Frontage Road, 65th Street, and Powell Street Slurry Seal Project.
Townsend Contract (Consent Item)
The Council approved a $90,000 contract with Townsend Public Affairs, Inc. to provide federal and state legislative advocacy and grant support for fiscal year 2017-18. Townsend has had a longstanding relationship with the City, and supported efforts to obtain legislation and funding for several high priority projects, resulting in over $4 million in grant awards.
Community Development Block Grant and Home Programs (Consent Item)
The Council passed a resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a three-year cooperation agreement with Alameda County to allow the City’s continued participation in the Alameda Urban County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program and the Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME) for Federal fiscal years 2018, 2019, and 2020. By participating in the Alameda Urban County, the City receives a formula-derived apportionment of CDBG funds, rather than competing in a statewide pool for these grants.
ECAP Funding Agreement (Consent Item)
The Council passed a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a funding agreement with Emeryville Citizens Assistance Program (ECAP) for $66,885 to
support food and clothing distribution to the homeless and near homeless for Fiscal Year 2017-18.
Fair Workweek (Action Item)
The Council considered a revised schedule for the “roll-out” of the Fair Workweek Ordinance, which takes effect on July 1. In order to allow adequate time for outreach and education, and the development of regulations, the Council directed that implementation begin with a “soft roll-out” on July 1, involving enforcement and investigation of complaints, but deferring the imposition of fines until January 1, 2018 to allow employers to develop systems for compliance with the ordinance and regulations. A public comment period for the draft implementing regulations commenced June 26, and will continue through the month of July. The final implementing regulations will be published on August 31.
The discussion for this item can be viewed above at [04:14:28].
City Council Standby Officers (Action Item)
The Council directed the City Clerk to compile a list of interested candidates for possible appointment as City Council Standby Officers. This is a list of designated officers who are willing and able to stand in for a Council Member who is unavailable due to injury or inability to get to City Hall in the event of an emergency. This becomes important if a quorum of the Council cannot be established and there are actions that need to be taken quickly to declare a disaster, and thereby begin the process of receiving aid. The City Clerk is seeking interested candidates for Standby Officers from the City’s boards and committees.
The discussion for this item can be viewed above at [04:10:00].
The Agenda for the June 20th meeting can be viewed here →
View the entire progress report on →