
April 2020 Emeryville Crime Report: Crime Continues Rapid Decline Amid Shelter-In-Place Order

2 mins read

The April, 2020 Emeryville Crime Report saw 84 crimes reported (down from the 146 reported in March). The first full month of the shelter order saw both property and violent crime drop dramatically from the previous month and represented the lowest monthly figure since The E’ville Eye began tracking crime data in 2014. It was the fourth consecutive month that saw a drop in crimes reported.

Overall, crimes reported for 2020 are on an 33% downward trajectory from last year.


The City of Emeryville is divided into small geographical areas that facilitate the Department’s efforts to track crime and neighborhood problems, and allocate personnel resources to meet the service need. Crime statistics are reported by the EPD through CommunityCrimeMap.com. An archive of monthly crime statistics provided can be viewed on the city website.

[one_third last=”no”]
1. San Pablo Avenue
2. North Emeryville
3. Emery Bay
4. Peninsula
[one_third last=”no”]
5. Shellmound
6. Artist Colony
7. San Pablo Avenue – South
8. Triangle
[one_third last=”yes”]
9. East Bay bridge (East)
10. East Bay bridge (West)
11. Outside of City Limits


The reporting district matrix lists the category and number of crimes reported by district. The descriptions below are “highlights” and are not provided for every crime reported.


District 5

Bay Street Mall, 5601 Bay St.: A male suspect brandished a firearm at a maintenance employee and took a set of golf cart keys. SUSPECT: Male, 6’4”, thin build, wearing a green reflective vest, a dark hoodie, and dark pants.

District 8

3700 block of San Pablo Ave.: A strong-arm robbery occurred. LOSS: Wallet and medication. SUSPECTS: (2) Females. #1 6’0”, 40+ years old, medium build, curly hair, wearing a red camouflage dress and gray coat. #2 5’4”, 50-60 years old, and thin build. SUSPECT VEHICLE: Older model Chrysler 300, gray.

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Commercial Burglary:

District 8

ECAP, 3610 San Pablo Ave: ATTEMPT only. An unknown suspect lifted the gate off its hinges and pushed the gate back.

Residential Burglary

District 5

56XX Bay St.: Two suspects known to the victim entered the victim’s garage, removed the victim’s cultivating equipment from his vehicle, and fled the area. The suspects later returned the loss. SUSPECTS: #1 Male, #2 Female.

District 6

15XX Park Av.: ATTEMPT only. A suspect attempted to force open the pedestrian door and the garage door but did not gain entry. SUSPECT: Male wearing a two-toned wind breaker, dark pants, a helmet, goggles, and rollerblades.

43XX Horton St.: POE: Door – Lock defeated. Two suspects entered the building, accessed the garage, entered an unsecure vehicle and removed the garage door remote. SUSPECTS: 2 Males, #1 wearing a surgical mask and gray hooded jacket pulled over his head. #2 wearing a surgical mask on top of his head and wearing a red jacket.

At 15XX Park Ave.: POE: Window – Smashed. LOSS: Computer equipment. SUSPECTS: #1 Male, tall and thin, with multicolored red dreadlocks, wearing a black/white glove on one hand, and a red glove on the other hand. #2 Male juvenile, no further description.


Of the 11 vehicles reported stolen:

  • 2 vehicles were recovered intact
  • 4 vehicles was recovered but damaged or stripped
  • 5 vehicles are still outstanding

The spreadsheet compares criminal activity relative to last year, averages from the previous 3 years and annual totals for the year.

*Categories not included in Part 1 Crimes
N/C: Not Calculable

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Rob Arias

is a third generation Californian and East Bay native who lived in Emeryville from 2003 to 2021. Rob founded The E'ville Eye in 2011 after being robbed at gunpoint and lamenting the lack of local news coverage. Rob's "day job" is as a creative professional.

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