
The Broken Rack Debuts New Greenway Outdoor Patio Space

1 min read

For decades, The Broken Rack has been Emeryville’s go-to spot for catching a game, enjoying happy hour with one’s coworkers and of course shooting a game of pool. For those that wanted a more tranquil experience after a hard day, the Broken Rack recently opened a new outdoor patio space on our city’s newest strip of Greenway.

The patio has been years in the making. In fact, the greenway was originally anticipated to be complete when The Broken Rack moved from its original Public Market location back in 2014. Delays by the city caused the strip to not open until earlier this spring.

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Co-owner Marilyn Boucher is ecstatic with the results though and looks forward to the space being activated. “It’s a great, sunny place to grab a drink or a meal together. It’s also great for larger groups.” The Rack even lends Ping-Pong paddles to patrons so they can enjoy the available outdoor table.

The Grand Opening of the Peladeau Park Greenway showcased its use by the community (Photo: Emeryville Community Services Facebook page)

Boucher sees the patio as not just a benefit to her business, but the community. “The space is bikeable, pet-friendly and were considering opening it up to families as well.” The Broken Rack is a 21 and older establishment, but they’re looking into allowing minors at this space for dining.

The space is designed by SZFM Design Studio who are based in San Francisco. SZFM was familiar with working with the city having renovated the Pixar Level(3) warehouse at 5000 Hollis among others. The backdrop of the patio space is Emeryville’s first city-commissioned outdoor mural by Oakland artist Joey Rose. Although years away, this “Peladeau Park” greenway strip will be part of a planned contiguous path across the city.

Boucher, a member of Emeryville’s Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC), is also optimistic about the business networking opportunities that are emerging with the opening of East Bay Therapeutics across the street. Boucher and EBT owner Nasser Azimi, whom we profiled back in September, are exploring ways to cross-promote their businesses, team up on events, and have joined forces to combat our city’s pesky auto burglary problem.

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Rob Arias

is a third generation Californian and East Bay native who lived in Emeryville from 2003 to 2021. Rob founded The E'ville Eye in 2011 after being robbed at gunpoint and lamenting the lack of local news coverage. Rob's "day job" is as a creative professional.


  1. we would love it if we could take our kid here. in fact, we would love it if our kid could play pool here. maybe open two tables up to families one day a week? just a thought.

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