#EvilleArt: Instagram Community Photo Gallery

October 18, 2013
1 min read

We’ve done FoodPets, but we can’t forget about what made our city famous: Art (Amongst other things 😉 Public Art, Street Art, DIY Art … and the residents, small businesses and employees of our city that boast the highest per capita artist ratio in California (Something I overheard but am still looking for the study that supports this). Those that think Emeryville is just a big mall or home to Pixar & IKEA … well, they need to be reminded that we are so much more than this. Creativity still runs deeply through the veins of our town. It is this history that makes our annual art exhibition a diverse, eclectic showcase of the talent that residents and employee’s of our city possess. Our Emeryville Center for the Arts may have been the victim of the elimination of Redevelopment funds (For now, the event will continue its vagabond ways of being shifted around the city from venue-to-venue), but our artistic spirit cannot be repressed by budget constraints.Use the Instagram app (available for iPhone and Android) to capture the artistry of Emeryville and the adjacent communities. Hashtag them “#EvilleArt” to add your pics to the right-rail feed and this user-generated gallery. Follow The E’ville Eye Community News on Instagram @EvilleEye.

[instapress tag=”evilleart” piccount=”100″ size=”140″ effect=”fancybox” title=”1″]

The “Official” E’ville Eye Hashtagonomy:
#evillespots – Architecture, Historic spots.
#evillebeauty – Natural Beauty, Sunsets, Nature, etc.
#evillains – Residents of Emeryville Enjoying themselves.
#evillepets – The critters that we love so much.
#evillebites – Food & Drink photos from Emeryville Establishments.

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