We’ve done Food, Pets, Art & Places … behold the latest photo gallery with contributions from the @EvilleEye Instagram Community: E’ville Beauty! What is “E’ville Beauty”? Natural Beauty, Sunsets, The Bay, Flowers, etc. (things our little city has a robust amount of). #EvilleBeauty has gotten quite a bit of traction and we’re grateful for the community contributions that have captured Emeryville’s vibrancy. Follow The E’ville Eye Community News on Instagram @EvilleEye and make your own contributions!
#EvilleBeauty Instagram Filter:
Note: The Instagram API allows for streaming only 20 images through this plugin:
[instapress tag=”evillebeauty” piccount=”50″ size=”140″ effect=”fancybox” title=”1″]
Use the Instagram app (available for iPhone and Android) to capture images in Emeryville and the adjacent communities. “Hashtag” them in the caption by adding the “#” symbol in front of designated terms as such: #EvilleBeauty (no spaces, not case-sensitive).
The “Official” E’ville Eye Hashtagonomy:
#EvilleArt – Public Art, Street Art, DIY Art
#EvilleSpots – Architecture, landmarks, parks, trails, offices …
#EvillePets – The critters that we love so much.
#EvilleBites – Food & Drink photos from Emeryville Establishments.
#Evillains – Residents of Emeryville Enjoying themselves.
#EvilleArchive – Historic Photos.